1 o6 That larofullhonours are tobe defired. culls,rumours andlealoufes do as much offend our brethrê, carting downe the weake,grieuing the flrong,andhardning chofewho arc not called, as tholewhich are truly and really Kobisneceja- committed. And thus it appeareth that we ought tohaue great care ofour fame and reputation, in regard that it is a ne110' ug, do notable meanes ofour neighbours good. To whichpurpofe bon.viduit, onefaith, that a good life is neceffarie vnto vs, and a good cap.az. name neceflary unto ourbrethren : and as we mu(llabour to haue a good confcience beforeGod, fo allo to haue a good report among men for our neighbours fake: and therefore cruell and vncharitable is theirconclufion, who affirme that they will approuc their aólions to God and their owne con- fciences, and not at all care what men fpeake or thinkeof them, feeing the wounds which they fuller intheir reputati- on, without euer warding them off, do through their names pierce into the confciences oftheir neighbour, and often- times wound their foulesto theverydeath,for whichChrift Ternsfiled hispreciousblood. g.Se5. I g. Andas we ought to fecke this lawful' honor andgood re- That roe ought port, in regard ofGod andour neighbours,fo alto in refpeél to defire honour ofour felues : neither is it enough thatwe haue the fhming forour cane brightneffe ofa goodconfcience, vnleffe wee haue alto the fake, that it fweet odour ofagood name: becaufe by this fweet perfume, may reuiucand refrefh ur, not only the flanders by are refrefhed,but alto our ownefpi- rits reuiued, and ourhearts cheared,fo as wemaywith more comfort and courage hold onand proceed inour good cour- fes : for as not only thefight or remembranceofthe crowne or prize,but alto the applaufcof the handers by refrefheth the fpirits, and giueth flrength to the limmes of thofe who run inan earthly race ; fo alto in the runningofour fpiritu- all race, notonly the remembranceofthe crowne ofglorie, which they thatrun (hall obtaine, but alto the commenda- tion ofthe godly and faithfull Both exceedingly reuiue and flrengthenvs,tocontinue cöflantin our courle unto the end. And therfore confidering howweake andfaint we are, info much as we are daily readie in our felues to flackenoutpace, fland flill,or turne back againe; itbehouethvs todefire,and much toefleem this and all other good incouragementsand comforts, Eire duofeits- mur, nitorem bona conftien- tic et odorem bonefame.