That richesare good in their emne nature. to8 That riches aregoodin themfelaes, and indifferent, &C. CHAP. III. Ofriches, andthat theyare foodin themfelues, and indáf- firent in res`ett oftheir vfs. Auing fpoken ofhonours and of theirlawful! vfe:in the nextplaceweare tofpeak ofriches, which alto are in theirowne nature good, as being the creaturesofGod,whofe goodneffe a Gcn.i.3 a. was approued by his owne a teflimonie : nei- Gen.z.r r.Ia. therwcre theyonlygood in the flateofinnocencie,but men after the fall, tieing in the Scripturesthey are laid to be the bgiftsofGod:f orfoitisfaid ,thatGodgauelobhiswealth; r.z1. and the Lord profeffeth,that hegauc vnto theIfraelires their eHo!:z.8. e come, and wine and oyle, and multiplied their filuer and gold : yea theyare not only faid to be gifts, but benefits and a Deut.2.8.1. d rewards,which God promifeth to bellow vpon them that ferue him, aswe may fee at large in the booke ofDeutcro- P(a1.I I z.I.3. nomie ; and threatneth it as a punifhment offinne todepriue them ofthefe benefits : and fo the Pfalmifi; faith, that riches andtreafures /hall 6e in his bottle that feareth the Lord. And Pto.IO:zz, that which is yet more, they are called the a bleffingsof o God : fo the Wifeman faith;that theblegingoftheLord mif- f Gen,z612..' % Zethrish, andhedothaddenoforroiveswith it :andthus itislaid 39.30.27. in the Scripturesbya vfuall phrafe,that God f blefled thole Iob 42.12. who were inriched, and fothey waxed rich.Andas theLord befiowed.riches as his gifts,benefits and bleflïngs, fo he re- quired thatthey fhouldbe offered voto him againe in facri- fices andoblations, and vouchfafed voto them this honor,to tExod.3ç.f6, haue his gTabernacle and Temple made and adorned with them. Finally, the Lord hashbefiowed them vpon many of his goodferuants, and made them tobe vnto them truebe- h aadbygm f faithful, Gen.r3.z ¡ If cln maY otherswhodidnotonl offefle 26.7. thefe giftsofGod, but alfoby the holyvfe ofthem, glori- iob 1.3. fledhim,and were thebetter inabled to all good and Chri- flian duties. But