That riches aregoodin themfluet, andind erent, 03-e. so But howfoeuer there richesaregood in their owne nature, Sep _, and as they proceed fromGod the fountains ofall goodnes, rhatrichesare yet theyarenot abfolutely and immutablygood,but fitbic&mutab[iegood, ro alter their nature according to their owners, and tobee and o¡aogreat corrupted andabufed bymans finite, who bath them in pof- exee[lenetc, fet1ìon : and therefore howfoeucr they arc good, yet in re- fpéól.ofthe degree of their goodnes they arebut oflow and mean nature, and of little worth and excellencie, ifthey be compared with Gods fpirituall graces, or the eternall ioyes ofhis kin g dome. For howlóeuer the Apotlle Paul accoun- ted there creatures ofGod good and profitable helpes, for Phi.3r .,7.ß, the performance of the workes of mercie; yet comparing them with the fpirituall riches ofChrill and all his benefits, he eflcemed them no better then droffe anddung, yea Joffe in refpeCof the other. And this may further appeare in that the Lord doth appropriatehis fpirituall graces as his chicle jewels vnto his owne children and feruants; whereas he gi- uethriches as common giftsboth to thegood and bad, and more commonlyand in greater meafurc to wicked world- lings,then to thofe¡who truely feare him.And with this argu- ment one concludeth,that riches are not abfolutelygood,or Chryfoft.i ofanyexcellent nature:For (faith he) ifgoldhadseengoed ab- Ma;th.:s,Ha- folutely, lbitbout gueflionChriil would hauegiven it to his Dif- mil.9t, ciples,rpon Vebomhebeioreedg iftsofvn.ffieakeablevalue; but bewasfofarra fromgiuinQit them, that hedidprohibite them to hauteit: and therefore the ApoTlie Peter wasnot onely notalba- med ofhis pouertte, butalfofeeateth toglorie in it, faying, filuer Aua andgoldhaue Iuone.Soanother faith,that riches are giuen by HominAgg .a, God both to the good and euill,lefi they fhould be thought euill, oragood ofany excellent nature. If(faithhe)goldand flirter weregiuen only to thegood, they might rightlybe thought to he oftome eminentgoodne(fe: andifthey' *ere only wanting to theeuill, pouertiemightfeeme agreatpunifbment. eAndif they were onlywiiting to thegood,pouertywould f emeble(fednes.But Diuitiu dantur now that wemay know thatgoldmay lawfully bepofje d,thegood bonis,alapmalis, haue it, and that it mayappeare that it is not theeaufe oftheir xeputeutio goodnes,thewicked alfaenioy it,&c.& therefore Godbath díflri- bona, multis, batedgoldd- Auervntomë,asbtinggood in their ownnature,al neputeutur P thoughmagna.