The Contents. g. t.That truefriendhip lemuch to be efteemed. 167 S. 2.1nwhat retellsfoend4bip with the wicked it to beartoided. t68. 5.3.That wecannot holdfrierdflsip withworldlings,andpeaeeavith Gad, a69 5.4. Thatfriendt ipwithworldling: it f elfeandcounterfeit. 169 3 j.That worldly friendc forfakevsinthe time of triadwhenwe need ntol their hclpe. 171 §. 6.Warldly friends intime ofadnerjitie oftentimes become ene, mie:. 172 5.7. Worldly friendlappernicious toour/miles. 172 5.8. Their ebaelbon a; f veredwho tray theyKane hadno hurt by thefriendjhip ofthewtcl¿ed; t 73 The fecondBooke. 7 he ehiefepoints containedin thefecondBorke. CHAP. 7. Ofthofe tentations generallywhich aregrounded vpon worldly things. 5.1. That theft. worldly things are Satan; chiefs baites to draw our heartsfromGod. 176 § z. That theft. worldlythings, honors , riches,andpieafures , are in their own: naturegood, and the giftsofGod. 177 g. s. That theft worldly thingsaremutably good , andtherefore f tb tshl to abuseandcorruption. 178 . 1. Thntmeought not to retell theft worldly things,but their a- bef ar. 179 s. j. To the right of ofworldly things it required , firfl, that our perlons be regenerate. 1843 5. 6. Thatwemull not suer value theftearthy things,orpreferrs thembefore Godsfiríssrallgraces. 18 i s. 7.7'hatwe arenot to fee our hearts and affel.7ions vpen theft. worldly things. 182. Thar tee muffftrfifeekeffiritaallandbeauenly things , and 'bile