r1. What it isinit Cafe, toWit, good,aadthe gift of l God. §.g. I (r. In general,where is 1}htwed (Good to the good, who vfe it well, where is (hewed what is required hereunto, 2, .In refpe&ofvs, Euill to the euill, who abufe it, to wit,of an indif to the which abufe we are ferent nature, prone. §.q,and fo profperitie becommeth a dangerous e- nemic, againft which wee L mull bearmed. ChaP.5.6. (r. In generali, where is fhewed that morall ( vertue is vaine, beingfcuered from faith ° and godlineffe, Chap. ;. (Spirituali, whichis much tobe { In fpecíai, 1 efteemcd.Chap.8. where of I O wifedome,< F which is 1) Worldly and carnali, which { g (either I is much to bee contemned. JL Chap.9. Certaine fr Learning. Chap. to. gifts and ornaméts.i ( Mechanical' fciences. z. Know- \ Cha r t. wl mind r ledgwhich) Of ÿ true religionwith- Lis out the powerof god. linde.Chaps z. True. Chaps;. Bodies, Beautic,which is either{ Counterfeh:where which are S [ ofpainting.C,r4. tenta 66s, arifini ei- Strength. ChapsS. (thee from Health. Chap.' 6. 9 (Souks, I and re- rifing out of our sin (peel- fclues, Inward,a- & s. all, where that ei- the tenta- thee fró n et. tiósare di- fomc- ó ffinguifh- thing in . eddiuerfly our © in refpc& ro^ of their matter & Pubic& frf, ° whence they arife, in which refpeEt thefe ten tanós are 'either { (Euill ex- Outward, ari- ( Perfonsofworldiings,-whocorruptwith i ample and fingfró carer -) their mill companie, and that either communi- nallobie&s: as by their {ration. from Chap. r8, Worldly things. See B. t Eriéd(1»p Chap. rp