Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Z Ofthewsrld,and what it ir. difcoaraged; neither, fo admiring theone, nor regarding the other,as that he fhould fuffer them to hinderhim in his way tohis heauenly countrie. Yea heemutt together with the world ouercome the princeof theworld,and all thepo- werofhell ; and which is avi&orie ofgreateft difficultie,he bee mutt ouercome himfelfe,and his owne corruptions; which conqueft wvhofoeuerobtaitieth,hee putteth to flight thefe forraine forces at the firft onfet : whereas contrariwife it is in vaine to haue warres abroad, if in Readofpeace and . fubìetonthere benothing but treafon,difcord,and rebel. lion at home ; thefe inbred enemiesbeing alwaies readie to betrayand lofe, that which is recouered and wonne with great paine and difficultie, and to yeeld into the enemies powerin a day, that which bath been gotwithayeerbs la- bour. 4.Sec1.2. Concerning the meanes ofrefining -and ogercomming. Thatthewoad our fìrlt and chiefe enemie Saran,' haue alreadie intreated is/bmetime ta- in theArt+partofmyChriftianWarfare:And now it remai- ké in and(otoobelot, neth, that being affijted with thefame fpirit,wee encoun- riedao afriend. teralto the world,which is the fecond enemie oföur falua- tion,and teach the'weake Chriftianhow he may fomanage his fpirituall weapons,asthathe maybe affured ofa trium- phant viiiorie. But left whileft wefight againft ourenemie, wee fhould bend our ftrength againft thole that bee our friends,becaufe theyare;intitled by the fame name, let vs learne to diftinguifh the onefrom the other,andcot,fiderin what fenfe we are here to take the world,whichis aword of ambiguous figntfication,and how it is tobee imbraced as a friend,and how tobe auoided or withftoodasa mortal ene- mie. To thispurpofe wee areto know, that the world in the Áa.17.14.. Scriptures isfometimes taken in agood,and fometime in an euill fenfe. In the, former it fometime fignifieth the whole vniuerfe and goodly frame of heauen andearth, and fo it is Gen.t.3a. anexcellent creatureofGods making, approoued as good byhisowne teflimonie, whereby the glorie,wifedome and power of the mightie Creator is manifefted and declared, Pfal.19.t. according to that of the Pfalmift: The heauen declare the glat'ie ofGad,at4 thofirtnamentfbbeweth the»er&e ofhia hand Sometime