Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Oftheworfd,andwhat it if. 3 Sometime it fignifieth the whole earth and fea,which is ap- pointed ofGod to bee the placeof habitation for his crea- tures; inboth which fenfes it is taken, Ioh. t . r o. Ile mot in 1011.1.1o, theworld. and the world was made by him: and in this f-gnifi- cation alto the world is good, failing onely that it is defiled withmans finne, as being the fiage whereon bee adieth all his wickedneffe. To this purpofe one faith,that the world is r.Io11.5.79. aid to lw wholly in twill, not becaufe itfclfe is euill, butbecaufe Mund,u rn ma- oldsare committed to it bymen: euen as the woodsare iufa- 9god mfnd+on mcd when they harbour thceues,and as weehave thefword 7p /e madf,; wherewithmans blood hath bin fhed,and the cup inwhich fed gnòd mala indo poyfonhuh been tempered, not becaufe ofany faulcineffe oriniba,t that is in them, butbecaufe oftheir wickedneffe who haue e,h i m abided them vntoeuill. Sometime the world is taken forall mankind that liueth in theworld, both good and bad, be- Gallas. leeuer and infidell; and in this fenfe the Apofile faith,rhat by one manAnneentred into theworld, that is,into all mankinde, Rom..rz. whowere corrupted in Adamas finning in his loynes. Nei- ther are we to hateand fight againCt the world,being vnder- flood in this generall frgnification, lefl wee fhould befound (like that currifhTimon) haters ofhumane focietie,and ene- mies ofourovine nature. Finally,the world fometime figni- fieth the faithful]onely; not becaufe they are ofthe world; for being in the world, Chrift bath chofen them out ofthe world ; butbecaufe the worldwas cteared,and is continual- ly preferued for their vfe and benefit, namely, that it might fettle as a placeoftrial,where they Il-tould be fitted forGods kingdome,and a paffagethrough which they might trauell into their heauenly countrey,thenew Ierufalem.And in this fenfe it is faid,that Godfo lottedtheWorld,that he aue hid only Ioh.3.16. begottenfonne,that whofoetter beleeuedin him Jhouldnot perils, but haueeuerlaflino life. And the Apoflle faith,that God was 2.Cor.5.r9 in Chriff andreconciled the world veto himfelfe, not imputing' theirfirmerveto them. And Chrifi is faid,to be apropitiation or reconciliation,not for the PApofiles and Difciplesonly,but forthe/runesofthewholeworld,that is for al in the world that r.Ioh.z.zà (hall beleeue in him. Now 'in this fenfe wee are not to fight againf'tthe world, feting it is reconciled and at peace with B a God,