Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

eafons rooming. vs to f gbs again/l theworld. 2 t an ambaffage offharpe reproofe. wouldell thau(faid he) help thewicked,and loue them thathate the Lord? thereforeforthis thing,the l%rath ofthe Lord isupon thee. a.Chro.I9.2. 2.Chron.T94. Secondly,ofneceflìtie wee muflrenounce the world, and 4.Sec7.4. flying outof this fpirituall Babylon adioyne our felues vn- Vnlrfé lone re. to the kingdome oflefusChrift,or elfe wecannot be recko- nanntethe ned In the number ofthe faith full,nor haue any part in their rooroid,wta not of henuarem_ priuiledgcs. Weemidi bee fheepe ofChrifisflocke feuered ber oftbe fault. tbd from the goates,or diewe (hail haue no (hare in the benefitfall. of his death and interceffion. For Chrifl hath chofen his faithful! onesout ofthe world,and bath diffranchifed them ofall thecarnall liberties thereof, as Toone as he made them partakers of that glorious libertie of being the fonnes of God. Sobee faith, that bccaufe the faithful! are not ofthe tborld, 614t he had chofen them out of theworld, therefore the worldhateththem. And more plainlyelfewhere : They(fai th Ioh.r7.i6, !se) are not ofthe world,as lam not ofthe world. And as thole who adhere to the world cannot be reckoned in the num- ber ofthe faithful!, focan they haue no intereft in the death and mediationofChrifl, or in any other benefits which are appropriated vnto them, as their peculiar priuileges. For Chrifl laiddomehie lifeforhis ovinefbeepe,andnot for goates Ioh.toa s. andwolues,he be[faxedhislife forhitfriends alone,and there- Ioh.r 5.13- fore not forworldlings,whoare firangers, or ratherprofef- fed enemies; hee gane himfelfe for his Church, and conic- Eph.s.z3. quently thofe who are feuered from the communion of Saints,and adhere to the world, which is the fynagogue of Satan, haue no intereli in this gift.And as they haueno part inhis death, fo neither any benefit in his intercellion ; for himfelfe bath excluded them in that diuine prayer which he made to his father: Ipray (faith he) for them, lpray not 1- .11.17. for theworld, but for them which thou hall giuenmee. Heere therefore wee are put to our choice; either wee mull re- nounce the world, or renounce our part inChrifl; we muff with the bleffedApofile be crucified and die to the world, Gal..14; or elfewee canhaue no benefit in the deathof Chrifl; Wee mull ceafe to be citizens oftheworld, and dticlaime our in- Weft in his finful vanities,orwe fh Il hauenoQart in Chrifls C 3 tncu_auon