Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Reafettmóuingv $tofightaping theworld. it, to turtle from the holie commandement gitten unto. them, &c. 5.Sehi.9. The fourth argument to incourage vsto this fightagainíl Thefourth tea. the world and worldly vanities, is ouraflìrred hopeof ob. fis takenfrom taming vietorie: forhowfoeuer (as bath been !hewed) the oMranàredhope IA Id is a malitious, politikc, and puiffant enemie, and we ofvifïorie. (beingconfidered in our felues) are altogether vnable to makerefifiance, feeing our nature is weake, andour forces fraile,aod which is worfi ofall,that wecke ftrength we haue bclngdtuided,.and dull!warres at home, ourfelues conten- ding againf} ourfelues, and the flefh which is our greater and ffiongerpart, rebelling and lulling agalrnil the fpirir, andtraiterouflyióyning with the wotld:toworkeour ouer. throw : yet being bya liuely faith knit vetoChrifl,,affïfled with his fpirìr, and armed atall points with thefpiritnall ar- mour ofhis thnd}ifying and falling graces,there is no doubt ofgetting vidlurie. For wedoe fight againíl -but a conque- red enenrie; whom Chrill alreadiebathfubdued,not onely for hinzfel£e,butalfo for all vs that are true members of his bodie. And this argument of incouragement-our Sauiour Ioh.16.33. vfetb, Ioh. 16.33.Intheuerld(faithhe)yefhall haueaffl¡tflion, hat he ofgoad comfort Iham. ouercometheworld.Yea this con- quellChrifobtai.nedatan high rate, for heganehislife to free vs from the worlds thraldom, as.theApoftlewitneffeth, Gal.t.4. Gal. r.4. whichgaste htmfelfeforour tinnes, that he might de- littervsfrom thisprefeitt millworld. And therefore hailingfo dearelyboughtthis vidlorie,and our'freedome, he will not fuller hispains tobe.fpeiitin vaine,buthauingall power in heauen and earth eommietedvnto him, he will glue vs alfo ffrength to uuereo+ne,ifwe will lay hold on Chriliby faith, profeffe our felues his fotddiers and feruants, and valiantly fight vnder his flanderd, againft thefe fpirituall enemies of ourfaluation. And this comfort and incouragementtheA- po(lle Johngitteth vs: All (faith he) that ùloor,sg ofGadoiler- comomesh theworld, andthis is thevifforie that ouercommeth the worldoxenourfaith.who is it that ouereommetb theWorld, a ioh,5.4 S: but he that beleeueth that leftist is theforme . ofGod? i.Ioh. verfq.;y, . The