Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

a.Pct.a.t;. 8o$ Thuworldly things ab,sfedincreaftcsttdettenettte,x, h.oncor; woe be 'untovon that rorl sv l' fer ye flu wu;fe qad u'eepe. So the Apoflle Peter faith, that they (hall ravine (be wages s fvnrighteo ofees, which count it pleari(re to leue delici- ou/i, fer afeafon. And the Apotile lances aflîgneth this asone reafon, why thewealthie in the worldhad caufetoweeps and howlc, in regard'ofthemiferies that fhould corne vpon them, becaufe theyhadlined in pleafure on the earth, and in beat luerint wantonneffe. To which purpofe one faith, thatlooke how oble£iamena manycarnall and vnlawfull delights worldlinos haue had in mala,rst omit thislife,and fomany grieuous punifhments they (hal indure tormenta dira whenGod (hall take deferued vengeance on them in thelife in pana:nam tocome; for thence are we punifhed,whence wearewicked- ;ode punhnor widema'èdele. lydelighted; and whereasthe pleafure patfeth asbeing me- clamor: tranfit mentauic, the finne and punifhment remaine, as being euer- voleptas pec- RI-ling. An example whereof we haue in the rich Glutton, rattem remaner. vnto whom (Abraham faith, that becaufe in hislife he had Bernard.medi- receiuedhis leafures, being clothedenpurple andfinehnnen, tat. cap.t ;. p Lukc 16.I90.5, endfaringdelicioufly every day,therefore he was now tormen- ted in hel torments,andhaving finned in furfetting and glut- tonic to pleafehis pallet, and carnal(appetite, he could not now obtaine fo much as a dropofwater tocoole his tongue. So likewife in the whore ofl;abylen ; upon whom the Lord Apecalag 7. pâfleth this dreadfidl fentence, that in asmach atfie glorified herfelfe, and linedinpleafure, /befbouldproportionablie banefe much torment andforrotrgiuenvnteher. By which examples let vs take warning, carefully avoiding thefe Iweete pòy- ions, which though they bee long before they worke, yet (hall be moll deadlyin operation; let vs notthitfi after this pleatingmilke, though it be offeredveto vs in a lordly difh; feeing inthe end it will bring vs into that deepe fleepe ofe- ternal( death :and finallylet vs flop our cares agaìnflthe be- witching tunes of thefe fiveet tinging Syrens, which will makevs runour felues on therocker of:de(lrudlidn, and to befwallowedvp in a feaofmiferie and perdition which is enelleffeand intollerable. §.SaIo. Finally,fecingthefeworldly things immoderately lotted, The conclu/iin and euerualued aboue their worth, do-not only in this life bring