rhoworldly thingsabwfedínereafecondemnation. 8o7 bring vponvs fo many and great euils, butalto inthe life to drffwadinnfrom come depriue,vs ofourheauenly ioyes, increafe the bili of . theloueofthe our accounts at theday ofiudgement, and plunge vs into world;vponrhe former confide- eternall death and condemnation ;let vs as we tender the fal- ration. nation ofour Conies, or feare that dreadful! reckoning at the day ofiudgement, or would auoid thole hellifh and e- uerlalting torments, weave our hearts and affeétions from the immoderate lone oftheworld andworldly vanities; for Marke 8.3c. Whatwill itprofir.v,Jo .gaiue thewhole world, and /off our ewne foules? What will it auaile vsthat we haue been honorable vpon earth, and aduanced to the chiefe places and prefer- ments, when asall theft rnomentanie vanities being pailèd as àfhadow; we find our likes inglorious inGodsfight,de- priuedchileglorieofhis kingdotne,andcouered with end- lcffeMarne &difgrace?what ioy Thal we thé take to remem- ber, thatal men haue crept &crouched vnto vs, when as we (hallbe difdainedasvile perfons, and laughed to. fcorne as fooles,by the poorelt andfimplef ofGodsSaints, yea inful- ted over, and euen defpitefully troden vnder foot by the vg- lie,curfed anddamned fpirits? what delight fhallwe take to thinke, that we haue fate in the highef+ places, and haue dwelt in (lately palaces, and prince-like houles, when asbe- ing turnedout ofall, we (hallbebound hatìdand foot, and call intovtter darkneffe,andinto the dungeon ofhell? what comfort (hall we take in our heapes ofgold,andgreat lands and lordfhips which wchaue left behind vs ; when as we fede by lamentable experience, that we haue by this mo- mentanie riches loft the euerla(ling treafures ofGods king- dome; and haue treafured vp a fearefull tneafureofGods wrath andcondemnation, which for euer fhall feaze vpon and tormentvs ? what delight (hall we take in our paffed pleafures, fports,andpaftimes, whenas now being vanifhed, nothing remaineth but howling and yelling, weeping and giathing ofreeth? whar.plealure (hall we haue to thinke of our full tables, and delicate drinkes ; when as nowby moti camel entreatie, we cannot obtaine fo much as a drop of water to coole our thirti?what will itprofit vs.to haue for a Fff 4 moment