Ofthe twoforti a f reeapoirt roherrorrh the worldafae ltetb vi. a7 ding in a cunning and deceitfull parley, or by encountring The manner vs with all his forces : in the one playing the dangerous ttai- biro the orld tor,in the other anopen enemic. In the former like a fubtile f 'te`h with Ra6ßi4i,eh, in his mailer Satans name, hee offcreth unto vs In 18.3r. peace,and maketh manyfaire promifesof great plentie and Via. fecuritievnderhis prote &ion, ifwee will be content to ray aft de our armes, and fubiee} our felues as flaues and vaffals unto his goucrnment. And left thefeallurements might not preuaile, he tnixeth threatnings, and boafteth of his great flrength,whereby bee is able toouercome by force,iffairer manes will nor perfwade a yeelding; blafphemoufly difa- bli ng the power of our mightieGod, the Lord of hofis,as though he were notable fowel to prouidc for vs,or to fhield and defend vs againft his furie. But if his bewitching elo- quence will not moue vs,then beemarcheth againuivs with all his forces,and imployeth all his flrength andpolicie to worke our ouerthrow ; fometimes hiding the troupes of his temptations in the ambufhments of worldly vanities, that is,citherbehind the high hitsof ambitious honours,or in the low delightfull medowes ofvoluptuous pleafures, or elfe in thepricking thickets ofthornieriches,that fo hemay affault vs inour greateft fecuritie, andobtainean eafie vi- lorie ; and fometimes hee draweth out his forces in open view,and marchethagainft vs witha terrible armie ofaffli- ¿lions and perfecutions, prefuming to ouercome vs through force and violence. And this is the manner of the worlds fight,wherein as you fee hee leaueth no meanes vnaffaied to workehis owne will, and our ouerthrow : forbeing re- folued to catch and makea pray ofvs, like a cunning fifher nsan,he either allures vs tofwallow the hookes of finwith the baits ofworldly vanities;or if hecannot fo preuaile,he affaieth to driue vs by force intohis nets ofperdition, bea- ting vs forward with the flaues oftrouble and affiaion; or like a dangerous theefe intending to fpoile vs ofthe rich treafures of Gods graces,either he cheateth and deceiueth vs, by perfwading vs to exchange with him thefe precious jewels, for fome counterfeite triflesand bate worldly vani- ties; or ifhis cofening cunning preuaile not, like a flrong theefe