Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

$ t 2 Thatwee arein the worldpilgrimrr axd f rangers. them only in our pail-age, and the time which wee haue tri enioy them is but very fhorr, For let hint who bath euioyed worldlvprofperitie the icnìgeil time lookebacke, and bee fhall fee, that all which is pall is but a dreg ne or fhadow, and as thetwinckling °fan eye in refpe£t ofeternity.But all our loue and longingInuit he placed on our heauenly inhe- ritancc,wherc we arc for euer to enjoy an eternal! iraight of glory, and happineffe without end. We mull vie this world, not as our countrie, but as our way wherein wee are trauel- ling towards our heauenly home;and make account topafie through it as the children ofIfrael promifcd to goe through Numbso.:y. Edom,withour makingany flay,or hauing any commerce eng+íxaua ordealingwiththe inhabitants, more then our prefentne- qu;p¡;rrfEvita ceffities will inforce vpon vs. For ( asone faith) this life pre- reftss:&,/ki rent isapilgrimage ,&hewho longethand fighethafter his /ufpirat ad z. owne countrie,vnto him his placeofperegrination isa tedi- artam,ei tsr ous tormct though vntoothers it may fecal a aradifeofde- meutumeftpa a }' p regrixatioxis light.The world isvntovsadangerous fea,and our life isal- lac w,eriafi lottedvs as a timeofpaffage, wherein weemay goe forward ',tondo evi- in our voyage,and difcoucr the port of happincfle,thatwith dearxr.Greg. ioywemayenterinto it : and therefore let vs not defireto epi(l.cxregift.bealwaicslàilin andtobetlillindan er, not one! tobee,ind.4. r g , ly fwallowedvpb the furgingwauesofmifery and afllidion; but alfoofthetpirituall pirats, who are ready torob vs of Gods fan&ifying graces, and to captiueand inthrall vs in theprifon of deflru .on; and of flittingour fouIes vpon the rockesoffin, beingmiflead inour voyageby the worlds falfefires, and drawne outofthe right wayby hisfubtill ten- rations :but let vs ratherdelire to arriue at the hauen oftell, wherewefhali bee free from all thefedangers, and for euer enioyfecure felicity. Neither muti weemakeaccountthat theplaces wherewenow abide, are our homes andhabita- tions; but onely our Innes and lodgings by the way, where we arenot to leadeour liues,but toretl for one night,and fo Augufl,Serm. tobe gone. To which purpofe one faith, that he is a Chri- ;s.tom,t o. Ilia; who being bo..h in hishoufe andcountrie, doth neuer- thcletfe acknowledge,that lie is in thembutas apilgrimeor !ranger,