Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That we are in theworldpilgrimsand/rangers. S t; flranger, and that heauen is hiscountrie, where he fhall bee an inhabitant for euer,andnot aguefl for a time.For in truth eucry one here is gueft- and a: flranger in his ownehoufe; for ifhewere not fo, why doth he not flay in r, but aftera fhort abode pa ffeth away? and if any bee neccffarilytotra> uel and go away,he is to be cfteemed a,Itranger;.let himnot deceiuehimfelfehe is aguefl; whetherhe wil or no, hee isa guell.Yea,hut he bequeathethhishoufe wh ëhedeparteth tocifiiiribi locum his childré.True,but yet as a gueft,who departing) eauethhisPater tuus,ctf lodging to other guelts -; euen as it is ìn Irme,where asone fiasses locum frljs tuffs.Net . commcth, another goeth away. For thus hee doth inhis manfreru, ma. bottle and earthly habitation, feeing as his fathergaueplace nes,nec mantra_ tohim, fo heis to giueplace tohis tonnes andpoflerity; and ru relinquis.. ashimlelfflitteth,lo heleaueth it to themvvh.are altofilinAugufi:.ibid. flitting. And as we arctoefleeme the world ourway,where. in likepilgrims we trauell towards our heaucnly countrie; fo altowe are toaccount thethings of thislife asnecefáaries for our Tourney, and like that prouifion which weefind in our waywhenwe cometo-ourinne; the which-wee cannot carriewith vs, but leaue it where we foundit. . And ifwe would thus efleeme ofthe world and worldly4.Sta. 3, vanities, then would wee not ouerualueand fet-our heartsThatthe world ppn them; but(as theApoí+k fpeaketh) vfe themas :bosigbisto be v¡edas lbe vied them not : notasplaces to ref} in, or thingswherein paaage,and we take ourchide re oft but as a.wa to trauell in, and asnot a:aplats P j' , a- neceffariesto further vs in-our iourney. For what wifetr t.Cor.y.3t. . ueller would fitMill and loiter inhis iourney, becaufe heeis in afaire way,and is not rather encouraged thereby to tra- uell cherefully tohis ownehome? Whowouldfeat hisheart. and affeftions on thofe , delights which hee feethas hee paffethby?orthough in his trauell hee may take fome plea- lure in them,as he goethby them, yet who inhisrightwits, will fodote,on theft things,inwhiççh he hashnot an houres intereft,as that hewill negleft far bettr and permanent de- lights in hisowne commie? Who vfeth to buildwhenhee commerh to his Inne? or takes his chiefecontentment its thofebuildings whichhe findeth there already, inhis finely, and wellfurnifhed chamber, his foft lodging, dainties farey pleafant.:.