854 That we arein theworldpilSrims and/leavers. pleafant walkes, fwecte gardens, andcourteousentertain_ ment,feting the next day he mull leavethem all, and come to a reckoning for the (port time that hehash inioyed them? As therefore turn are wife in their generation in the things appertaining to this life, euery one making large prouifon where beeis long to continue, and louing the place befl, where hee is bell prouided; and contrariwife contenteth himfelfe withfmall flore where hee is to make but a fhort flay,andloueth lightly that which beecannot longenioy: fo let vs layvp our treafüresin heauen,and withour treafures efitiat, viator our heartsalfo,wherewe are to remaine for euer; and not eJf. 2eficiat fe y carriethem about vs in the way, weeMalt fürelybee & tranfeat, Non [cram tel. robbed; nor leave them as heire-loonies in the Inne from lit,quadinfle- whencewemufc depart the next morning. Let vslike tra- b de innen it. uellers refrefh ourfelues with the things ofthis life, and fo Auguft.feria againe goe forward on our iourney, and with contented IaL9. minds leavethat which remaineth in the Inne. Forwhether pafi: m Pfal.g. Senn. r.tow.,o we will or no, we mull depart and carrie nothingwithvs, becaufe we haue no further interefl vetoany thing, butfor the fhort time ofourrefdence, and that vpon hard condi- tions. Another traueller (hall come after vs and inioy them, but neitherIhall he take them away, but as hee hath found themthere being left byv, fc' mull he alfo there kaue them to be found ofthofe thatfollow after him. Let vs vfe world- lythings aswife pilgrims doetheir(laues,andother necef a- riesconuenient for their iourney ; fo long as they helpe vs forward inour way let vsmake vfe oftheni,and according- ly efteemethem; but ifthey become troublefome hindran- ces, and cumberfomeburthens, let vs leave thembehind vs, orcall themaway; accordingto the Apoflles exhortation leb.ra.r. Callaway every thing thatprefeth down, and the (inne that hangethfa# on,andlet vs reinwith patience the race which it let beforevs.Neither mull we do this onelywhen thethings weecarrie are of (mall account, but whenthey areas deare and preciousvntovs as our right eye, hand, or foot, asour Mar.5.19.3o. "Sauiour hathltaughtvs. Letvs imitate the Eagle,which fel- dome lighteth on the earth, but when being conflrained with hunger, fhe (loopeth to her prey; and when fleehath fed,