816 That we are inthe trorldpilgrintsandfrangers. we thali fall intoSatans ambufhment,be led captiue into fin, and fo beingchainedand fetteredin his bonds, we fhall bee kindred from trauelling,or euer attaining vnto ourheauen- lie countrie. 4 Setj,4, But the world is not (imply a place ofpilgrimagcalone, Thatwr fbould wherewe might trauellwith fome quietneffe and fecuritie to notfiase our the end ofour iourney ; butallo a place ofwarfare, wherein bear and we are affaitltedon all fides (asit were in aflrangeand for- Efionsontbe caujr raine countrie) and by all poflible.meanes hindred in our toe>ld,br it is the placeof Ipirituall voiage to the holy land. And therefore, as wee eur-warfàre. haue little caufeto feate our hearts and affe&ions on the world,and the vanities thereof,becaufe we can flay here but afhort time,and areeuery dayflitting from them; fomuch leffeifwe confder,that this fhort timeisfull oftrouble, tee- ing weare oneuery fide befet with our fpirituall enemies. So Gener.47.9 faco6 faith, that the daiesofhispilgrimage were not onlyfew, but euillalfe; inrefpe& ofhis manifold troubles andmole- lob14.1. flations. And lob afñrmeth, that man,who is borneofwoman, is but offbort continttance,andfulloftrouble. And the Apoftle tellethvs,that whilefl we continue here,we had need to bee alwaies in thecompleate armour ofa Chriftian, becaufe lore Ephef.6,u.z:.fight not only again.Ffflefhandblood, but againff principalities, powers, andworldlygemernors, theprinces ofthe darknesofthis world,andagainffpirituall wickedneffes, whichare inhie places. Nowwho would build, and let -vp his -maine hopes in the campe,orplace ofhis warfare-? whowould-being rich carrie abouthim his wholefubflance and treafures, which will but cumber him in his 6ght,and put fpirits and courage into his enemies,to worke his ouerthrow, that theymay prey vpon 'him? So the Apoflle faith,that no manwhowarreth,intangleth -t.Tim.t.4f himfelfewith theaffairesofthis ltfebecaufehewonldpleafehim, -that pathchoferihim tobe afouldier.And ifany -man (1-riuefor a rnaflerie -,he is notcrowned, except hegrilseasheought to doe; and therefore,ashewere iufly to be efeetned a look, who being to runne a race, would take vpon him a heauie bur- then,orbeingto wraftle for a prize, wouldput on hismoil roftlyand-rich apparell, tocope with his antagonilr and ad- uerfary,whobeingnaked,andanointed withoile, is-readie to