IIMMINEM That wearein theworldpilgrimsand,bangers. to flipout ofhis hands:fomuch more foolifh arewe,ifbeing towrefile,not withflefh& blood,but withprincipalitiesand powers, who are preparedand fitted withall aduantages ; we come Mall our worldly pompe, hauing fait tiedvinovs in the bondsofcarnall loue, our earthly iches, pleafures fad glue preferments,fceing wefhall hereby ftenvponvs,andworkeour ouerthrow : or being to runne aracefora garlandofno leffeprice,then the crowne ofeter- nail glorie,doe loade and cumber our felueswith the heauie burthenof worldly cares, or when we are running toturne out ofourway,andbe content to fit flil,that we may obtaine -Come worldly trifle of finali worth, and leffecontinuance. And therefore let vs auoid thisfollie and worldly dotage; and as theApofile exhorteth'vs, (a runne that wemayobtaine. t.Ccr.9.z}a;a Letvsbeing to mettle with fuch mightie enemies,like him that proouethmaiieries, abflaine from all things whichmight binder vs, roobtainea crowee which ie vncorruptible. Let vs come into-thefieldagainíl our fpirituall enemies, not loaded and incumbred with the burthen of worldly trafh, tied fall vntovs in the bonds of carnall loue, whichwill-but difable -andbetrayvs into the handsofthefefoes which feekeouro- uerthrow; but letvs come armedwithGodsfpiritual graces, and aflulledwiththe power ofhis might, whereby we fhall beenabled toobtaine thevi&orie; thatfowe may fay with the Apoflle,l haue fought agoodfight, finifbedmy courfe, and 1,Tim.¢ga. bauekept thefaithfromhencefoorth ie laidvpforme theBrowne efrighteoufxef,which theLord, the righteous Iudgelhallghee meat that day;feeing this ispromifed(ashe there affirmeth) not tohim alone,butto all them,who obtaine thevi&oric in this fpirituall warfare; according to that gratious promife; To him that owercommeth, will 1grant tofit with mee inmy Apoe.3.za. tbrone,eweuae 1,owercame,and fitwithmyfather in his throne. Ggg C'xnr.