Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Sili fleaweare citizens ofbeaten. CHAP. II. 'That welhouldcantemne the world, tadworldly vanities, its regard that wee are citizens ofheauen; etied beires ofbetterhopes. (",Sell.!. He fecond reafon, why wee abouc all other Thatweeenight m , fhould not much efleeme, norimmoderately epftytornemtte ' loue theworld,and worldly vanities,is,becauk earthly things, , that as weare pilgrimes here,and therfore muff ifstsofodme b <..' °% neceffaril kaue them in ourpaflge; fowe are ditattofour. ' Y heavenly pia- citizens of new Ierufalem,the Kingdome ofHeaven. So ledges,and theApoflle faith,thar, We batting through Chri}ianentrance ioyes. voto the Fatherby onefpirit, arenownouoreffrangersand for- ElitNt renners,but citizens with the Samts,andofthe ho ilholdofCod. And (peaking of4braham, the father of the faithful!, hee faith,that heabode in.the landofpromtfe,as inaf1range country, and as one that dwelt in tents, who is alwaies readie tore- Nebo( z moueand flit away,becaufèbelooked for acitie, liaising fours. dation,whofe builder andmakeris God.Neither tnasthis peculi. arto him alone,butgeneral roallhis children,who followed himin thefaith; of whom it is Paid, That theyhaue hereno Ekb,a34 4, continuing cirie,but that they feekeone tocome.. And'thereafon isapparant:for we are citizensand fubieas ofthat kingdom,_, whereof Chrill Iefirs is Lord and King.; but himfeltè bath ighu is '3c plainely. told vs, thathis Kingdome tonot ofthisworld, but that hee.raigneth and ruleth in that Kingdomeofeternall glory;and therefore whofoeuer . are fubiebls vntohim, they cannot bee free denizens oftheworld, but citizens ofHea- tien. Vntawhich wemight adde,thatasour Lord and King madehut afliort flayvpon the earth,.but keepeth his court sadreldencin the new lerufalemwhichis aboue : fowce his people and faith full fubicc'ls, whoareallo feruantsof his familie,yea,membersofhis glorious.bodi'e, 'hall Make here but amomentanieabode ; but after we are departed hence, &al hauein heauen euerlafling habitat ions;in which refpea aifo,aswee are here (!rangersandpilgrims, fo mayweebee rightly