Thatlbe are cirizensefbe4Net. 8r9 tightly calledcitizens ofHeauen, andas it were free burgef- fes ofthenew Ierufalem. Now what can he a more forci- ble argument toweane our hearts and affeElions fromthe world andworldly vanities,then toconlider, that aswee are here (hangers, and haue no abiding orrefiing place; fo we are fubieets and citizens ofthatglorious Kingdome,where- ofthe Lord himfelfe, and hisSonChrill is Ruler and chiefe Soueraigne? Forwho wouldnot contemne a flitting tent in comparifon ofa goodlymanfion and Rarely palace ? Who would not fet lightby a poore tenemet, which is po(hefledat the will andplcafureofthe Landlord, in refpeCt ofa rich in- l+eritance,and a large lord(hip,in whichhe bath affurance to him andhis heires foreuer? Whowould be a fubie& ofthat kingdome, where the princeand foueraigne is but aflaue; whereas he might be apt eftcemed member ofagreat com- manding monarchie? Andwho would preferrehis pedling freedö in acountryvillage for a fewdab s; before hisenfran_ chizement and priuileges in the chicle cityofthecountrie, which hemayha>ie for euer? And yet allthefe fimilitudes are but forte little fhadowes and dark refemblances, to expreffe the incomparable differencebetween ÿearth and heauen,the momentany trifles ofthis life and thofe vnualuableand erer- nail excellencies,whichare referued for the Saints in the life tocome. For looke how much a monarchie is tobe prefer- red before amolehill, the brightneffe ofthe Sunne, before thedim íhiningofaglow-worme, and the richefl treafures, beforethebafett pebble (lone; and fo, andmuch more are thofeeuerlafing ioies ofheauen, tobe preferred before the bell thingstheworldcanbra off,though it were along and flouri(hingMonarchic ouer all theKingdoniesofthe Earth. It is true indeed, that thefeearthly thingsbeing neeee veto vs,and fubie& toour fenfes,doemake a flourifhing Phew at the firfl fight,tothofewho are ftill conuerfant among them, and neuer knew arty thingbetter; but if in diuine contern- vlation,our mindsand meditations couldmount aloft, and be awhile exercifed in the view and'cortfideration of thofe incomparable ioies, which Godbath prepared for his eleet, there worldly and tranfitory things below would Ggg z feeme