820 Thatweare citizensofheauen. feeme little and little worth: foras lice who. is fatedon an exceeding. high,mouutaine,iudgeth cuery thing. (mall which lice teeth in a. low valley ;; fo if our minds were placed in heauen, and our hearts fixed on that diuine and endlefl'e glory, wee, would thinke the greatell things on earth, as finali as motes in the Sunne, and as fmally alto a.Cora:.7. to be regarded; according to the example oftheApoftle `Raul, who after hee had .been rapt vp into the third hea- h113.7$ lien, and hada fight and tali of thofe vnfpeakableioies,did in regardof them, efieeme the worlds chiefeft excellencies, but, as droffe and dung : whereas now alas thefe earthly things,thpughthey be final' and contemptible,do hidethofe fupercxceeding.ioirsof Gods Kingdome, from the des of thofe men, who are 11111 poring on the earth, andareneuer rapt vpon hie in fpirituall meditation,but lie grouelling vp- on the ground,fpendingall their thoughts vpon their world- lyaffaires. Andasa fmall.difh being heldnecre thevies, hi- deth from our fight a great mountaine and a little hill or cioud,the whole bodie oftheSunne, though ì.tbe farte big- ger thenthe whole earth: fo thefe earthly trifles beingpia.. ced necre ourfight,do fo fhadow and ouercloud thefegreat and finning excellencies,thatwe cannot trulybehold them, nor rightlieiudge of their greatneflè and value. And eher- fore if wee would view them aright, and haue fome true glimpfe atleafl ofthis diuineglory,we mull byheauêly me- ditation letthe eiesofourfoulemount aboue them; or elfe we muff remooue them further fromvs, and then they will feeme finall,and finally, to be regarded,in comparifon ofthe incomparable greatneffeand goodnefl'e ofchore heauenly ióies,and euerlaflingglorie. 4,Sg,g, Itis nomain ell if heretofore lining in ignorance, wee did That the loue ofnot efieeme ofthefediuine excellencies,butpreferred before the "ridmay them thefe worldly vanities, becaufe they were fubiec`l to sre(l fet anigno- our fenfes;for there isnodefireofÿwhichis .notknawn,and rarewbefee. thebrightflitifhiuedayisalaliketohim ,who is(larkblind, meth aebrifli- vntothe darkeflnight .Itisnowonder ifbeforewe heard of sn,mho barb heauen,we efleemedtheworld as our chiefefl Paradife, and affsranceof'fx_ worldly things,as the heauenly ioies;,becanfeeuery, man na- toebappines. totally