That iveare citizensofheaslen. 8.21 rurallyaff9ethbleffcdnes,anddefirechthatwhichischicle- lygood; which when through his naturali ignorance and blindneffe, he cannotdifcerne,or aminevnto,heisreadie to placehis heart and affeelions vpon that which isbefe, in. his owneknowledge and opinion. But nowafter that,I ;. ofGodwhichbringethfalitation witsallmenloath appeared, and taught vs that ire pieddealt vngodlinefe, and worldly lilts, and that vie.1hmild limefoberlie and righteoufly, andgodly in this preleentabairld;looking for thebleffedhope, andappearingofthe glory ofthemighty God,andofour Sauiour !elmChria it were more then tnadnes,ifwe fhuld fullerourfelues fbi tobe eranf- portedwithworldlycon(upiféence,andprefer the prefentfa- tisfyingofour carnalde1res, before the eternal fruition of ourheauenly ioies.It isnot much tobeemaruelled at, ifchil- dren wantingwit andexperience,toguidethembetter,do af- aflebi childish trifles, and foolifhvanities; for asthe Apofl:le faith,Whenl evalachild, / pa ae achild,1 vnderfiaodac a child, z.Cora;.rr; I thong¡n as child: and it is counted in them no great abfur- dity,ifthey fpend their time in idle fports,and preferanapple before a goodly lordfhip,and a top and fcourge before their patrimonie ; but when theycone toripe yeeres,it is thenex- pe&ed,that theyput away childifh things,contetnnechofe toles which before they fo muchefIeemed,and affe& thingsmore graueand waightie,asbefitteth their age and better know- ledge ; becaufe hauing attained vnto a more folid iudgge- ment,theyeafilydifcerne the vanityofthefeworthies trifles: and foie is not much tobe regarded, ifworldly men, being infants in knowledge,before Chrifi: Iefus waspreachedvnto them,and the riches andgloryofhis Kingdomemanifefed, didlike childrenaffe6 worldly vanities, and becaufethey knew nobetter, Cooke their whole delight in thefetrifling toles; but now hailing attained tomore ripe knowledge,and hauing been made acquainted, both with the vanitie,and bafenef a ofthefeworthleffe crifles,and with the exceilencie and richesofGods Kingdome,they are to lay afidetheir chil- difh loue, nomore taking theirchicledelight in zhefe mo- mentanievanities&earthlythings;but rather to fpend their thoughtsandmeditations, and imploy all their labours and G gg ; indea-