832 ?'hatwe arecitizen: ofhem" indeauours toaffure themfelues oftholeincomparable ioies ofheauen. Andas theApollle fpeaketh ; theyareno:r at :be- s.PetAr o.i 3. dieter childrennet f efbion themfelt:es according to thefarmer 14 loftsoftheirignerance, ut to he holy in their tholeconteerftti- en, alhexho hátb called them is alto holy : (noloing that they *ere not redeemedwith corruptible things, atfsluer andgold, frets their former vaineconuerfetion, recetued by tradition of the Fathers, butwith theprecious bloodofChrilt. For asthere isnothing more vnléemely,or that argueth moreridiculous folly,then to fee anold mandote after the vanities ofyouth, and with likeheate ofaffeòïion, following in his agcthole triflingand regardleffe toyes, which he delighted in when hewasa child,as ridingupon aflicke,buildinghoules in the dull or lands, and fetch Iike childifh exercifes: andifany fhonldfobehauehimfeife,who fetinghis great flature,and fmall difcretion, his manly perfonage, and child-like folly, would not iudgehimeither out ofhis wits,or neuer in them? fo much more ridiculous and foolifh is the behauiour of worldlings, who bein gold in yeeres, remaineverybabes in their knowledgeandaffe6}ions,and afterthoferich creatures ofGods heauenlykingdome aredifcouered vnto them, do negle&and eontemne themas heretofore,and preferbcfore them, both in their ìudgements and affe6lions, thefe mo- mentanievanities, andearthly trifles. Sell.3. Whileflwe remained inthe elate offlaues, and were the Thar itisferuile denotedvaffaisof fume and Satan, ourbatedeliires did well bafenefi,fora fort and agreewith our bate conditionandwhileflwewere cbri$ian vbo citizens oftheworld, and childrenofthe earth, it might fuit is the God,anbdbe é withour place andcalling, to affect and defrre earthly corn- cfbeenen, refit modities, and to efleeme the riches, pleafures and prefer- bisbeart on menuofthe place whereof we were inhabitants, at high worldlytbings.. rases tbnt nowthat Godhath dignifiedvs with moflroyall pritriledges, andmadevs ofcitizens of the world, freedeni- fonsofheaucn, andoftheflauesofSatan,his owne children by adoptionandgrace, yea heires apparanr ofhisglorious kingdome; letvs, remembringthis high calling, for !harm forfake ourbaledeices, not fuffering ourhearts calkgraue- ling on theearth, wallowing incarnal'pleafures,and world- ly