Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

That weare citizensofheaaen. 82; lydelights : but railing them vp according is the height of our hopes, let vs aime at no leffe then crownesand king - domes,and thefe not mornentanie,and ofthis world,feeing theyare vaine andoflittle worth; but thole whichare moll gloriousandeternall in the world to come: for ifit be abate andvnfeemeiything, that a Princes fon, for atrifling naine, fhould fpend his time and flrength in feruile and lîauifh a6tions,feruing hogs, and playing the skull, or running on arrands at the command of thole whom he fhould com- mand; howmuch more vncomelyand abie&ly bale is it for vs, who are (as the Apollle fpeaketh) the a generationof = AE2.17.2.8. God, his b founes and children in Iefus Chrifl, yea hciresb Cohn t.rz. ofGod, and coheires with Chrifl, that we fhould fpend our c Rotn.8.17. precious time in Peeking after contemptible vanities, and beat theferuice and beckeofinne and Satan, for the bale hireofthefe worldly trifles; neuer thinkingofour fpirituall preferments,and gloriouspriuiledges, but lettingall to Pale for theprefent fruition ofthefe momentanie toyes? Hereto- fore we were (as the Apoflleteacheth vs) deadin treifiaffee Ephef. and (Lines, and being in thiscondition it was futable vnto it, 4.5.6, that we fhould be buried in the world, hauing our hearts burthenedand oppreffed with thecares ofthis life,and with thevnfupportablewaightoftheleearthly things; but now we are reuiued with the blood ofChrifl, and quickned with his death, yea by vertueofhisrefurre&ion, Godhath railed vs vp together withhim,andbath in Iefus Chrtff madevsfit to- gether in heauenly places, to /bew vnto ages tocome the excee- ding riches ofhisgrace and therefore as the Apoflle exhor- teth .-°'°"`3 t : vs, l f hbebe rifen withChrift,let vs [ek`ethole thingsìbhicb areaboae, lbhereChrififtteth on the right handofGod; andfee earafellions on things whichareaboue,and not on things lbhich are on theearth. For if it were a fuflicient reafon to moue cob toneglci hisItuffe in the landofCanaan, becaufe`Pha- raoh promifed thebell things ofEgypt when he came into hiskiugdome; howmuch more should it be auaileableto perfwadevs, vnto the contëpt ofthefe worldly& worthlelfe vanities, fceing wehaue the affuredpromifeofGodhimfelfi Genef.4pao, that weThal enioy thebell thi,{igsofhis heauenlykingdome Gg g 4 when