824 That wearecitizen o fhearten. when wecome vetohim?It is obfcrued, thattherefore with the Grecians man is called ße9'3&,to put him in mind, that howfocuer he dwellcth on the earth, yet he fhould Rill lift vp his eyesand heartstowards heauen, that fo he might be beoccafioned tomeditate onhis Creator, and on thofedi- uine ioyes, and eternall glorie which are there referued for him. And it is further noted, that ofall the partsofmansbo- die, thehead which is thefeat of the vnderilanding, and the place wherein the foule(heweth and exercileth hischiefefa- cult¡es and in l.ons,ismoflremotefromtheearth,andnea- reff voto heauen;by which fabrique and wifeplacing ofchefe humane parts, the Lord would teach vs, that we fhou!d as little asmay be,trouble our headswith earthly cogitations, but rather exercife then continually infpirituall and hea- uenly meditations : and therefore according both to our name and nat ue, let vs not haue our minds nailed to the earth, and whollyconuerlant in worldlythings; but let vs continually lift themvp in diuine contemplation ;and as the Apoflle exhorteth vs, base our canaserration wheauen, front, whence ia'elookefer a Sauiour, eatenour Lord !eras ChriIf : and for as muchas theyare continually ouer-poifed withworld- lycares, and neceffarie imployments in the earth ; let vs dai- ly draw them vp, feeing they naturallydcfccnd like the pey- fes of a clocke, and exercife them continually in diuine and heauenlymeditations, that foby their relling on theearth, our courfe in godlinesbe nothindred &flayed. While/ we Bplter=Js, Werewithout Chritt,aliener from thecommon-xealth of ¡frail, firaneers from the couenants ofpromir, andhadno hope, and werenithaut God in theworld, as the Apoflfe fpeaketh;it is no tnaruell if we much e(teemed our earthly habitation, and made idols ofworld!y things, asriches,pleafures and prefer- ments, by fetting ourhearts andaffeelions wholly on them; forfo is this naturally imprinted in our hearts,that there is a God; that when we are ignorant ofthe true diuine nature andeßènce, ratherthen we will be withouta deiriewhich wemay adore, we are readie to fettle and worfhip the bafefa Xattet3,ry. creatures : but now thatinChrist leftswewhich oncewerefar off, are memo marebyhis blood, odorNo wore .11-rangersand forrenners,