Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

826 ThatIreare citizens ofheaaten. poflle tcacheth vs, it becömethSaints to be fo far frö imbra- EpbcL53 _: cing&pra&iuing couetouines,that itj7;ogldnot beonce named among them; both becaufe their title is moll: tickle & uncer- tain to this earthly trafh; & becaufe allo their haue Pureinte- ref} in thofe vnualuable & eternal treafures which are refer- ued for thé in heaué.So that it maybe fitlyPaid toChriflians, a.King.1.16. as Elilha fpeaketh to Gehazi ; is this a time to mite money, and toreceinegarments, and dines, andvineyards, andfpheepe, and oxen,andmenfernants,andmaidferesants?efpeciallywhen the leprofieoffin accompanieth them, which excludethvs from the focietie oftheSaints, and bringeth in the end eternal' Auguf. in loh. death. Te this purpofe one 1peaketh fitly : He (faith he) lo- s.Tra&4o. neth not his money too much,who louethGod enough, &c. O therefore that we could loue the Lord as he worthily de- ferueth, and fo fhould we loueour filuer little or nothing : then wouldour money beonly anhelpfull infirument in our pilgrimage,andnot aprouokingbaite to our concupifcence, which we Ihould vfe for neceffitiealone, andnot enjoy fox delight, &c. Vfe this world,but fo as the world doth not fa- ttenon thec;the endofthy comming into it,was not to make any flay, butto paffe through it as a place of pilgrimage; thou carnet in to go out againe,& not to remaine:thou art t traueller,& the world is thine Inne; vfe therefore thy money as the traueller in his Inne vfeth his table,cup,&bed,namcly as being to leave all behind bim, and not tomake any flay with the%Finally, howfoeuer theremay be fome (hewofrea- fon,why ignorant worldlings Ihouid fet their hearts upon worldly and carnall pleafttres, becaule they ate acquainted with nobetter delights; yet it is more then fotti(h madnes, for thole to doteon them, whohaue been enlizhtned with the knowledge ofGods truth, or haue euer hadbut theleaf' tafle oftheheauenly ioyes, becaufe they are vaine and mo- mentanic, and theft moll excellent and eternall.And thisar- gument theApofllevfeth to weane our hearts from thefevo- Rom.r 3.t a, luptuousand finfull pleafures: The night (faith he) is pati,and 1:3.14. theday is athand, let vstheretorocafialbaythetborkesofdark neffe,andletvspa:on thearmssiroflight t fa that rewaikÊbò- nc lily as in the day, notinglattonie anddrwnkennef , veitherin chambring