Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

'now are eitizens o fheauen. 819 couldthey not allure him to fixe his heart vpon them, but onlybee vied them as neceffarie helpes for his iourney, re- membring that bee was but a ffranger andfoiourner vpon the i.Chron.z9.11 earth, and that his shies were like a ¡hhadowwhichbath no abi- ding. Finally,no boner were the difciples of the I'rimitiue Church conuerted to the faith, and had Tome affurance of their faluation,and fome little knowledge and tafieofthe treafures, glorie, and ioyes, prepared for them in the king- domeofGod; butprefenrly they contemnedearthly riches, and hauing fold theirhoufes and lands,laid the price downeAet.434. at the Apofiles feetc, that there might beea difiribution, to eueryone according tohis need. But aboue all examples,let vs propound veto vs our Sauiour Chrifis,who by his con- temptoftheworld and worldly things, bath taught vs alto todefpife and contemne them. For being themoli glorious and cternall fonneofGod,hedidnothere in this world leek for honour and foueraigntie, yeabee refufed it when it was offered,and when he i perceiuedthat the people fought after t,: him tomake him aKing, hedeparted & hid himfelf in ade- fatplace. And though hewere the Kingofheauen& earth, yet he profeffeththat he came into theworldnot to bek f rued k Maik ro.4f, but tofertte,and that hedidnot receiue t honourfrommen.Yea t Iob,541 inhis greatefi glorie which hehad amongfi men, and when hewould make Some thew that indeed heewas aKtng,it is faidthat he camemmeeke and lowly,fitting onan affescolt,mMar. ar.f<i,, hauingonly fomeof his Difciples fpareclothesvnderhim, in (leadofrich andkingly furniture. So though hee might haue had the richesoftheearth at his commandement, yet her contemned abundance, and contenting himfelfe with neceffaries only, he gaue the ouerpluffe to the rebele of the poore. Thus we reade that certainewomen mini(ired tohis nece(lìties,thathehadnot money in hispurfe to pay his tri- bute,but was faine to borrow it ofn a fillie fifh,whereas hee Mauh.r7.a7 might aseafily hauecommanded the feas to haue cati vpher treafuresandpearles,if bee had regardedthem. Sohimfelfe faith,that o thefoxeshad holes,and the birds ofheauen neffs,buto Matth,8ao.... the fonneofman hadnot *hereon ro ref his head. All which poucrtiehee.willinglyvndertooke,thathee might inrich vs with ;..