$32 Ofthe ioyesofheauest. pleafant, then in thofe who appertaine vnto other men, thoughneuer focurious,artificiall,and delightful!. In which refpeól though the things of this life were tobee preferred before thofeofthe lifeto come; yet by the fame reafon wee fhould little regard them, in comparifon of the other,be- caufe we haue no right,interefl,and inheritance in them,but onlypaffeby them,and vie them as helps, whereby wee may the betterbe inablcd to attai ne veto our iourneys end,and haue theother referued for vsas ourpatrimonk, whichwee fhall hold for the tearmeof that life which Ihall beendleffe and euerlafling. But as men hauing proprietie vnto chofe things whichare moil excellent, and by infinite degrees to bepreferred before fuch thingsas belong vnto others, doe in comparifonoftheir ownepoffeflionsbafely efleeme,and eafilycontemne that,vntowhichtheyhaueno right and ti- tle;asthe:Frenchman or Italian hauing goodly inheritances intheirowne countries, may eafilydefpife the defertsofA- rabiafor their barrennes, and the northerne climes almott inhabitable, byreafonoftheirextreame cold : fo thisbeing ourcafe,andwehauing acountrie moli rich, moll glorious, :fù11ofall goodneffeand bleffedneffe,itmay bee athingeafie forall thole who confiderof it,to contemne and fet lightly by thisearthlydefert, and to preferrebeforekour heauenly countrie,much more then the children of Ifrael preferred the fruitful landofCanaan,before thatwafle and defert clernefie,through which they had trauelled towards their owne countrie. But foras much as men inthe world doe fo much ouerualue this placeoftheirpilgrimage, and lightly efieemeofourheauenly habitatiü;delightingthéfelueshere -as intheir paradife,and mourning & fearing todepart vnto their owne home, as though it werethe placeoftheir exile ,andbanifhmentrand feeing all this loueoftheone,procee.. deth fromafuppefedexcellencie,and this diflikeor loathing ofthe other, from a Falk conceit, that by our change,our flare fhall be impaired,andwe inwork cafe then wee were before; which can proceed from nothingbut fromgroffe >ignorance,or pagan-like infidclity,wherebyeither weknow not whatioy and happinefI Eis prepared forGods faints, or doe