Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Oftheieyeeofhemen. 833 doenotbeleetie that wee (hall haue our partand inrereft in them; therefore asI hauealready (hewed the bate worthlef- neffe,and vaine vnprofitablenefl'eofworldly things, that we might befreed from that deluding opinion which slothbe- witch vs with their loue: fonow forconclufionofthisbook, I will ail() intreate of the diuine excellencie of our hea- uenly ioyes, thathauing fomeknowledge and tart ofthen, wemay be rauithedwith their lone, and in comparifonof them, and the meanes ofattaining veto them, lightly e- fieeme and contemne thefe worldly toyes, and trifling vanities. Wherein my purpofeis to auoid curious and friuölous §,eò74. queflions, which as they haue no vfe or profit, fo no true That it iri . ground our ofGods word and to content my felte with Po/libterode- that which may be laidofthefeheauenly ioyes,either direct` (`rube the ioyes lyout of the Scriptures, ormayby neceffarie consequence nppetfeaion,a- be gathered fromthefe infallible tefiimonies. Thewhich becaufe they fpeakefparinggly inthis argument, in refpe&of the gloryand greatneffeofthefe'ferpaffing ioyes; therefore Iwould admonilh the reader, that bee doe not expect any full orperfe& defcriptionofthem, fecing this is altogether impofïible, either to me,or anyother liuing, whtleli weere- mainehere in this place ofour pilgrimage, asbeing a leeret which is nottobe reuealedby difcourfe, but by experience andfruition.For fothe Apofile Johnplainely affirmeth, that r.ioh 3.2. we are now thefens ofGod, but yet it Both not appearewhat wefballbe,; andtheApofile Pailfaith, thatGod dwelleth in r.Ti214ó.z6. the light whichnonecanattain unto, whom newermanfa v,nei- ther can fee. Of whichour infulflciency ineomprehending thefe heauenly myfteries,diuers reafons mayheerendred îrfi,becaufe the Lord would hauethefoil andperfetknow- edge of thefe diuine excellencies concealed, to exercife hereby ourfaith,loue,obedience andpatience;forhewould haue vs whilefi wecontinue here toliueby faith, andnot by fight,to1eekeafter thefeioyyes upon his word, thoughwee haue nodiftin& and fenfible knowledge of them in our felues; todoeour workeand.-performe our dude as wellfor loue totimfelfe,asforthereward which we arc to receiueb Hhh and