Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

834 Ofthe Oyes ofhearten. and hauing donewhat he inioyneth vs, whollytoreferre the wages to his owne bountie. Whereas if therewere a deere anddiffina knowledge ofthofe heauenly excellencies,and furpafling ioyes in cuery one ofvs, it were not thankfwor- thie tobea chrifiian, neither hadwe any occauionof apero- uingour faith,loue,and willing obedience unto God,feeing theywould rauifhvswith their beautieand excellencie,and makevs refpeétiue ofour dutie,ifnot for loue towards God,, yet at leadfor the reward fake. And this caufe the Apofile ,Çor.t s.4 Paul feemeth to intimate,where he. faith,that beewas raker vpIntoparadf,andthere heardwordr,which couldnotagain 6e fpokenby him,andwhich 'Were not lawfull-forma++ to0wtter;.as being fecretsofState, the knowledge whereofwas - appro- priatedtothofe who were admitted citizens &free burger- fes ofthat glorious kingdome. Anothercaufe may beeour imperfedtion inknowledge,which is afruirand punifhment ofour finne, accompanying vs as long as wee continue in Z Core;.y.t i. this life. For the Apofile telleth vs, that wee knowbutinpart, andfeeas throughaglaffedarkely : and that to fee face to face, and to know asweare known, is referued for thelifetocome. So thatwhenwe haue fought outas much as wee canthee lei) ;414. infcrutableand hiddenmyfleries,wemay crie out with lob; Lo thefeareporcofhis watts ;but boa' little a portionheart wee ofhim ?andwho can vuderffandhis fearefull power?Neither need thisto feemeftrangevntoany, ifwee doebut confider th&c our knowledge and vnderfianding hath receiued fo greata maimebyouroriginallftnne, that weeare ignorant for the mot} part of the things appertaining to this life, knowingthemnot in theirtrue nature,formes, andcffence, but onely in their figures.,qualities,andpropertiesrand that not by a prefent,.immediate and deere vnderffanding,but. onely-by fenfe, obferuation,indu6ion, and experience.In which refpe6i it is impoffible to make ablind manby de- feriptions.cleerely to know the nature of colours, and to conceiveof thebrightneffe of the funne, becaufehee wan- te+th thole organs and infituments of knowledge which- fhbuldtonueigh it to the commonfenfe, phantafie, and vn-.. ticrfanding :or tomakeamanperfectly to conceiueofthe fweetneffe.