._.....m-mom. Oftheleyes ofheauew. 835 fweetnefleofhonie,and the delightfullodour ofa role, who wants thofe fenfes oftall and finelling. And this reafon the author of the booke of Wifedome plainely expreffeth: Hardly (faith bee) can to difcerm the things that are vpon Wifd.9.r6. earth, andwithgreat labeurfind free out the things that arebe- forevt;and rho then canfeeke out the things that are inheaven? fr ec Towhich purpofe another faith, that it is not for vs in this Be rraca P time ofignorance, Whileflweremainein ourearthly bodies, germ. ;s, . tomount into theclouds, to pierce this fvineffe oflight, to breake into thisbottomleffeprofunditieofglory,or to dwel in this vnapprochable brightneffe: for this is referued for ourlaflday, when we (hallbeprcfented vntoGod,glorious, and without fpotorwrinckle ; for how flail wee leeGod in hisglory, and behold the beautiful! brightneffeof his hea- venlyhabitation; feeingour vnderflandmgsare foblinded with ignorance, that we doenot knowour felues,nor in any perfehtionconceiuewhat our owne foules are, which isthe chiefe past ofourellence andbeing ? Finally, it isimpoflì- bletill we come toheaven,andhaue our vnderflandings in.. lightenedand inlarged by himwho fiat made them, that we fhould conceiue, and comprehend their ioyes in regard oftheir greatneffe, and furpafling excellencie; for as out weakeeyes cannot behold the fun, butit prelently dazleth them,andiftheybeemot turned away maketh themblind, becaufe this too excelling obiet corrupteth the fenfe:fo our woke vndetflandings cannot poffiblic conceive and comprehend the glorious brightneffe of thefe heauenly ioyes; and ifaboue their reach and capacity they attempt it,theyare prefentlyfurcharged with their gloryandgreat- nef'fe. And the reafon hereofisdeere andeuident; for feeing thisglory and happineffe confrfleth principally in the vifon and fruitionofGod, who is infinite and incomprehenfble; therefore it is as impollìble inthis life for any man to com- prehendthem,as to containe the ocean in the (hell ofanut. Towhichpurpofe one faiih,what.this eternall glory is,with Auguft.tom. what rich treafures this heauenlykingdome aboundeth,and to.Scrma . withwhat glorious brightneffe it fhineth, it cannotbee ex- preffed,but israther with praifesto be admired and magni- Hhh z fled.