836 Oftheioyes ofhcarrco,, lied. But yetthough this heauenly glory cannot be fullyex- preffed, it isnot wholly to be pretetmuted, though it can- notbe purtrayed(as it were) in liuely colours, yet isis not to beleftvnfhadowed; for feeing wee know but in part,. Nec ideo tamen therefore as it is not fit to comprehend the whole; fonei- debeotacere, Cher to omit and let.that part paffe which.wee conceiue :.and fret ârm llet, uia feeingtheholy g hofl hath inmany P lacesofthe Scriptures dicequatt- in fome darke maner fhadowed this glory, and giuen vs a nomvola,nox tall ofthefe ioyes, we muff not negledit becaufe wee can- valeo.Augu(t. not haue our full draught; and becaufe we cannot compre- li j,medit, ssg.t bend as much aswe would, we mull not (lightly ouerpaffe thatwhich we can: conudering that God bath purpofely grantedvsa fight ofthefe firll fruits, that we may more bar- tily long after thewholeharuefl, and hath in his holy word giuen vsa tail ofthishappineffe, that we mayvfe all poflible encanes to come vnto this fountaine.of glory,where wemay drinke ourfill, and bath giuenvs liberty both to thinke and fpcakeofthe ioyesofhis kingdome;according to ourmea- fareandproportion,though we cannot fully conceiue them; eaen as we haue liberty to thinke and fpeake ofhis owne in- finite maiellywith refpediue reuerence, althoughhe be in- Numb.ay.ts, effable and incomprehenfible. As therefore Moles for his 53 fxi ne wasnot füffered toenter into the landofpromife, and fo to takeaparticularview ofeuerypartof the earthlyCa- naan,and yet was permitted to gee to the top of mountA- barim, and thence to take fome generall fightandnoticeof it; foalthougltwc by our finnes haue the eyesofour vnder- (landings fodimmed, thae}we,cannot cleerely and diflinctiy behold theglorious beautyof theholy land ; yetlet vs take fomefach general! view as the Lorainhis wordreuealethit vnto vs. And as thole who cannot behold the fanne (hining inhisfull brightneffe, attaine vnto fuch a fightof it as they are capableofhy looking vpon it, or rather the image and refcmblance ofit, in abanding poole, or difh of water; Co thoughwecannot fee theft glorious ioyesin their own per- fect beautie, becaufe our vnderfl'andingswould bee afìoni fled andconfounded; yet let vs as itwere byreflection dif- couer them as well as wee can, in fome earthly fhadawcs and;