Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Of the ioyer ofbagmen. 839 ie4 to change and alteration; it is called a k crowne lacer- k x,Cor.9.zç, rup:ible,which cannot be taken fromVS; and a1crowneoffsfe, tiamear,rs. and therefore notto bee left or loll by death; and lell wee thould imagine that it is a copper crowne, bate andof finall value, it is not onely laid to bee a glorious crowne, but a croaneofglor,y,and ofbeatific. Yea, it is called o glorie it mx.Pet,1,4. felfe,to notevotovs,that nothing in heauenor earthcan be Wifd.5.r6. moreglorious. Thus alto the rawfhing ioyofthisglorious °- Rom.9.a3. Kiogdome is plaincly noted by thole titles and frmilitudes whichare in thewordof Godafcribed andapplied vnto it : for it is refembled byagreat efeaff and banquet, whereno- P Apoe.x9.9. thing is to be foundbut mirth andgladneffe,yeatoa q ma- q Matth.aa,s. riagefupper,which exceedeth all other feaflsin ioyand de- light. Iris called r reí1, wherein being freed from our la- r a,Ther.r.7. bouts, we!hall wholly glue ourfelucs to pleafure; and that not an idle refl,which ismore tediousand loathfome, then bufineffe and imploiment, but a refs which comfortethand f refre(heth vs,beingfpent inglorifyingGod,and in tinging rAft,;,r9. praifes tohim,who is theauthor of all ourwelfare. So it is called t fulneff ofiey, to 'hew vntovs, that we (hall haueour t Pfai.t6ar hartsfullie fatisfied with thofepleafures,& that there'hal be nopart ofvs emptieandvoidofdelight.And thefiviftu f ern- u Pfilm.36.t. in riuer,and torrent ofpleafure : to note that theyare like a flreame, which hailing an indeficient and euerfpringing founcaine,theGodofall ioy and comfort,can neuer become drie ; and that we (hall bewholly carriedand tranfported by their lone, like a littleboate in a fwift current. Yea, and as though there were nothing now in earth fit to refemble the greatneffe ofthisheauenly ioy,itis called X Paradife, which x Luke a ;,43. was that place ofall ioy and happineffe, and that garden ofApoc.a.7. pleafure anddelight, in which our firll parents were placed in the (late ofinnocencie. Andas though this temporaryand finitehappinc(fe were not enough to expreffe this eternal! and vnfpeakeableglory,it iscalled they ioy ofourgreat Lord r Matth.asar. andMailer, Kingofheaueu and earth: to Phewvinovs,that feeing it is his ioy wherein he delighteth, it mull needs like himfelfe,be infiniteand eternal!. Finally,the perpetuitieand euerlallingcontinuance ofthisheauenly happineffe, and in- Hhh 4 effable