a to4tn a.Cor.s,r. ? 1.Per.I.4. e r.Pet.q.4. a Apoc.zi 6; lohn ?.16. fMatch.6.ao. sHcb.r:.a8. b:.Pet.S.lo. g.sct.x. Time ail defeat and wants in tbefaultfbaU d eprrfealyfup the abfenceofall euill,thefecond is thepretenceofall good: ptted, forwhen wehaue freedome from all thofe cullswhich trou- blevs,andhaue thefruitionof all good things which may comfort anddelightvs,then,andthen alone,canwe truly bee laid 84o Ofthe ioyefofhtaaen; effableglory, isplainly fignified by thole namesand titles, which inGods word are alcribed vetoit. For it iscalled a a motion and dlbellinghour, wherein we are to remaine,and continually to inhabit inour own countr:e,and is hereinop- poled to our earthly tents and tabernacles,out ofwhich wee are Ili ll flitting and remoouing. It is called, not a tenement at will,to bepoffeffedand left at the landlords pleafure, but b anrnherirance,not likevnto our earthlypatrimonies,which ina fhort timeare taken away fromvs,orwe from them, but an inheritance imrnortall,vndefiled,and that faderhnot away. In which fenfe alfo his called an c incorruptiblecrowns, which cannoeperilh; a dfounraine of'life,which is neuer drie; c eter- malllife,which is fubieCi to no mortalitie or end; f vncorrup- ted treafures,whichneither canperilh, nor beRollen away; i S ICingdomelbhsch cannotbe (hake,: withany violence; and h e_ ternallglarie, which neither hath any limits, nor knoweth end.: Seeing therefore names wifely giuen doe lignifie the nature and.propertiesofthe things named, howvnfpeakea- bleand infinit are there iovesofheauen in all goodnefre,glo- rie andhappineffe,which the wifdome of God himfelfe hash impofed all thefenames vpon, as knowing that noone, or fewof them;are fuflicientto expreffe, or fomuchas darkelie to refetnbletheir infinitperfedìion,& furpafling excellencie? CHAP. IIII. Ofthehappinef ofthe foule in the ioietofheauen, and wherein it conftfieth. And thuswe fee inpart,the excellencyof there heauenly ioyes, by the names and titles which inthe Scripturesaregiuen veto them. Now we are to fpeakeof the parts of thefe ioyes, whichare principally two: the firfl is