Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Ofthe'ioyer ofbeauea, 84! Aid to haueattainedvntoblcß'edneffe. The formerof there, theGrecians fignifiedby that name which they gaue vnto it, asthoughhe alone were blefì'ed, who was exempted fromtuflarbira the power of fate and death,and freed from all mi feries and 4 4"v` díEtwm calamities; the other theHebrew name implieth, forbeingf °rrbn re aword inthe plural!number,it fignifieth (asthe learned He- briciansobferue) that there ()tidyis true bleffedneffe, where '1" there is a pluralitie and confluence ofall good. Seeing therefore the Scriptures plainely teach vs , that whofoe- uer attaine veto thefe heauenfy ioyesfhall be truly and per- fe&ly bieffed; from hence it followethbyneceffarie confe= quence,that all thofe who fhall be partakers of there ioyes, !hall air()beperfeólly freed from all evils which might any way hurtor =left them,and alto fully replenifbed with all mannerofgood,which may benefit and delight them. For there (as one faith) is infinite toy, mirthwithout mourning, health without ficknelle, a pleafant way without labour, AuguR.Soli- Iight without darkeneffe, life without death,all good'with- loqu.hb. out any euill. Where youth neuer waxeth old, where lifeeap'Hi' knoweth noend, where beautie neuer decaieth, wherethe lireofloue neuer cooled,, where health neuer is enfeebled, where ioy neuer decreafeth,where griefe is neuerfelt, where grovesand lamentations are neuer hard, where nothing for- rowfull is euerfeene,where ioyßi11 aboundeth, where noe- nulliseuerfeared, becaufe there ourchiclegood is inioyed, which istóbehold thefaceofour God,whois infinite ,in all vertue and perfeCion. Whofoeuer then is acitizenofthis newlerufalem,and madepartakerofthisheaucnlyhappines, helhall beperfeélly freed from all thofeculls, with which this fraile life is fo muchmoleaed,andinducdwith al good, and inrichedwith all hidings and benefits, of.which in this world; wearefo deflitute and naked. Now the 'culls vnto which in this life wee are fubiea;are either privatiue,confi- Bing in the abfe1tce.oçrho thingswhich aregood orpo-,. fitiue,confifling in the pretence of thole things which are euill; and boththefe refpekeither the foule,orbody alone, or the whole perfon. The defectlsand wants in thefoule in thìslife atedivers ; as firf},thewant ofknowledge inthe vn- derilan-