84t Ofthe ioysefbeauerr. derflanding,wherebywemight knowGodandhis will,that wemight obey it,and our felues alto ; which we were indu- edwithin ourcreation, but loft it bythe fallofour firft pa- rents. Vntowhichwe mayadde thewant ofconformitie in our wils totheperfeEtwill ofGod, the want offirengthand abilitie in our memories to remember that which is good, & that which God reuealeth vntovs concerninghimfelfe, or his will. Andfinally, thewant ofGods image,chiefly confi- ning in wifdome,righteoufneffe and holineIre; whichis vt- terlydefacedby our fall, and thefe excellent gracesof God cleaneblotted out. All which,as theyare inpart renewedby our regeneration in this life,although it be in great weaknes, imperfedlion,and corruption; fo fhall they bee perfe6ilyre- flored(and that in farregreater excellencie, then they were in our creation) in the life to come. For then (hall wee per- feEilyknow God, and know our felues, accordingto that meafureof knowledge whichacreature is capable of; then !hat our veils be fo perfe6lly conformable to thewill ofGod, that we fhalltake our chiefedelight to ferue and pleafehim; then (hal wee rememberall his mercies and goodneffe,efpe- ciallychofe which concerne our creation, redemption and glorification,that we may laud his name, who hathbeen fo gracious vnto vs : in aword,then (hall the imageofGod be perfectly renewed, and wee (hall bee indued withall true wifdovne,holinefle and righteoufnes,as weThal morecleare- ly declare hereafter. 4367,2,, Andas al thedefeas ofthe foule (hall be fnpplied; foare That the /hunt there manycuils and corruptions,fromwhich it (hallbee de- pall befreed liuered : as for example, the vnderflanding is exceedinglie froxtallcorrup- blindedwith ignorance, foaswee naturally neither know rienandfrrft, Godnor our felucs, what is truehappineffe, nor themeanes theonderßax- dixg front igno. to attaine vnto it. And as we ate asblind asmoles in fpiritu- raxceandcu. al and heavenly things, fo wee haue little knowledge in refrtie. things natural and ciuil;andyet fuch is our follv,that though in thefemaine points,the knowledge whereofisneccffary to faluation,we are foblind and ignorant, that our whole life were too littleand toofhort, to bee employed in thefear- thingout ofthem,yet are we readie to negle6lthefe, and to fpend