Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Ofthe ioyesofbeaaen. 843 fpend our time inthe difcufCngofcuriousqueflibs ,ofwhich the endofknowing, is only to know them, they having nò further vfe or profit. But in thekingdotne ofhcauen weThal be freed,both from this ignorance and curiofitie;for we (hal beendued with theknowledge ofGod, and in him we Thal know al things; and therefore our curiofitie altoThal ceafe, as being need'effe, feeing we fhal befully fatisfied withal wif!ome and knowledge, as it Thai better appeare hereafter. Now ifïn this life ignorancebe fuch agrieuous burthen,that men who haue fomuch fenfe as to feele theirmiferie, are content to fpend their whole time, and euen to confume their 1h engh, that theymay be eafed ofit; and ifPhilofo- phershaie been fo rain/lied with a dim fparke of know- ledge,which was fill kindled by the light ofnature, and af- ter blowne vpon, and entreated by their owne labour and indudrie,that in comparifon thereoftheyhaue contemned al the riches,pleafuresand preferments inthe world : and if weChriflians illuminated byGods Spirit, take fuch ioyand comfort in ourknowledge,which is but in part; wherby we leedarkely as through aglaffe, we deferuedly prefer it be- fore al the world and the vanitiesthereof; how fhalwe then reioyce,whenbeing admitted into thefeheauenly ioyes,the fcales ofignorance fhal fal cleane from our eyes ? how Thai ourhearts becheared, whf being deliueredfrom thisEgyp- tian darknes,weThal in this heauenly Gofhen,haue the light ofknowledge & truth ciearely fhining aboutvs,hauing not the leaflmitt or cloud to hinder our fight, from beholding the brightnes of Gods goodneffe and glorie? and iffuch afmal fparke ofthis knowledge, be fopleafánt anddelight- ful,whatwil itthen bewhen this light (hal be fo encreafed, that it (hal match the Swine in his ful flrengrh ? if our darke- r.Cor. r 3.1a.. nes and dim fight, asthrough a glaffe be foellcemable,what (hai tharbe, when we fi-mal fee face toface? 4.Seí ?.3. So altoour wils (hall in time life tocomebe freedfrom all rhato,4rmils euili, and that both in refpe&oftheir impuritie andcorrup_fhaUbe freed Lion, andalto in regardoftheir impotencie and imperfe&i..Pom their per.. on.Tri this life they areperuerfe,aubborne, and rebellious ;serfenes,amidbe moflbackward toany thing whichisgood, and pronevoto bte _ all God.