844 Ofthe ivy' ofhearun. all euill, and in (leadofconformicie: betweenethem and the . will ofGod, there isinch flat uppofition and repugnancie; that the very knowledge ofthat which God requtreth, is a fbbflicient motiue tomakevs will the contrarie, and his pro- hibitions fa a maruellousedge on our appetites to do chat Rom.7.8. which we know he hath forbidden : but in the lifè ro come all thiscorruption and peruerfeneffe ofourwill Thal be taken away, and theybeingmade wholly conformable to the will ofGod, Thal nor wil any thing which iseuil and (inful, but that only which is iufl, acceptable, and pleating in his fight : yea thenall our delire (hall be to glorifieGod, topraife and feruehim, notas we do heere, with great relu6lation, con- fiáis and oppofitions, but with a fùlaad perk&2confent, freely,and with muchmore alacritie and cheerefulnel %,then euer we tooke in following ouròwne lullsand thepleafures ofthis life ; fo that asour SauiourChrifl fpeaketh ofhimfelf, it (hall be morepleatng vntovs then ourmeate and drinke, Ian4. whenhere ,we are moll an hungred,todo the wilof our hea- venlyFather. And that which ought chiefly tocomfort vs, our wils(hall bemoll free, but yetinclinable onelyto chufe that which is good;like the wil ofGodhimfelf,who though hemoflfreely willeth, yethe neuer willcth anyBull, his wil being the pertedl rule ofall iuflice; fo that we (hall notonly notchufe any cull or finne, but nothaue any inclination or abilitietomake fuchchoice, both becaufe ourfanólification Thal be then moll perfeól, which is nowimperfeóland onely begun; whereofit wil come topafl'e that we fhal haue a per.. feól hatredoffinne, and aperte loue ofrighteoufne(le and holine(l'e;and altobecaufeour witsThal neuer be forfakenof God, and left to themfelues,butThal alwaies be fo effeálu- ally, and powerfully ruled and goucrned by the moll wife and iu(l wilofGod, that it fhal not bepoflible for them to erre, or to digrcffe anywhit outofthe wayofinflict and truth. Inwhichre ed ourwil fhal notbe like vnto Ada,car, arbitrarieto good or euil,or mutablyandchangeably good; butlike Gods wil,mofl immutable and coullant in al good- nefle, righteoufneile and holioe(fe, tic as it fbal bealtoge- ther impo1E51e veto vs, ei.ber to wil that whichGod nil- lcth;