Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

'41 Ofthe ieyeiofheaaen, 845 leth,or tonil that which hewilleth the which immutabili- tie in goodneffe, Thal not then be grounded on our owner (lrength andabilities ofnature, for then had we caufe iufily to feare, that we might likeAdam be againe circumuented bySatansfubtilties ; but itfhal.haue this firmeneffe and irn- trrutabilitie fromGodseternal loue and eletlion,.which is immutable, and on his gratious and neuer failing promifes, which (as the Apol(le faith)areYea and Amen,fubie6t tono changeor alteration : for bee who hath promifed that our ioyes Thal beeternal, bath confequently vndertaken to pre- fèruevs from falling into any time, whichwould cutoff our happines,;& ruine our ioy.To thispurpofe one ofthe anciets fpeaketh no lea excellently then fitly; The firlt free he) which was giuen toman, when he was firl3 crea- tedin righteoufneffe and holineffe, was thathe was ablenot to linne,butwithal that he couldalfa furneifhewould : but . ourfreewil in heauen(halbe muchmore powerfulthen this, in that it fhal haue no powerto fit; but this nut beihe>gift rskat pr ofGod,andnot by the power ofour natural faculties : for itq orta1"[sit is one thing to be God; and another thing to haue partici-Adam perdidit. pation and communionwithGod : forGod in his ownena. pagenon amri, ture cannotfin; buche-who ispartaker ofGod,receiues thisnoutgima exit powerfrom him,that he cannot finne,&c. Foras the.firfi im. ?'on poITe mori itaprtmum li- mortalitiewhich 'Adamlollbyfnning, was to be able-notbnumarbitri- todie, bttthislallfhalbe, not tobeable todie; fo the firftampepenon free wil was; CO be able not to fin;but the !aft free wiI fhal be, peccare,nou1 . not to be able to fin;forour willing ofrighteoufnesand ho- mum 404 peffe rcca lineffe,(hai be alike vnlofeablewithour felicitie, &c. ThedeCmitADà otherevilfromwhich ourwits filial be freed, is, impotencie lib.:a.cap.;ó, and inabilitie, to effea thatwhichtheywil; for in this life although they do with al earnefineffe dcfire many things, yet theyare not able toatchieuethem, becaufe theyare not agreeable and conformable to the wil ofGod,and therefore he croffethand frufirateth them:but in the life tocome they (halbeeffecqual and powerful inatchieuing whatfoeuer they defire,becaufe theyare in al things agreeable and fubordinat to thewilofGod, and confequently do molt furelyattaine voto their ends; (acing there is no power in heauen or in earths