Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

8445 Ofthe ioyei ofbeauen. earth, which is able to croffe and defeate the wil ofGod, his wilbeingmoll wife and immutable,and hispower omnipo- Spi- tentand vnrefillable. To which purpofethefame Author (as rim&Anima. it is afcribed vnto him) faith, that becaufeour veils are one Lb, cap.64. and the famewithGods wil,therefore we fhaibe after a fort omnipot&,inbringingour veils to paffe, as God alto is om- nipotét:for as God can do whatfoeuer he wil do byhimfelf, fo ihal we dowhatfoeuer wewil do by him,becaufewe fha! wil nothing elfe, butthat whichhe alfowilleth, and healfo willeth whatfoeuer we will and delire, and whatfoeuer be willeth that mull neceffarilycometopaffe; teeing he ismofi powerful and omnipotent toeffeélhis wil. Now if worldly Princes andpotentates account it a chiclepart oftheir regal happineffe, that theymay haue their veils; though in truth they areas often croffed herein as inferiour perlons, partly through the repugnancie and oppofitionoftheir owne paf- fions and defires, and partly through the difcrepancie and contrarietie oftheir $ateaffaites, and of the things them- felueswhichtheydefireto effe&: & though when they haue their wils they receiue thereby little conifort and content- ment,becaufe oftentimesbeing ledby paillon, they are op- pofed tothe reuealedwil ofGod, reafon, and euen thelight ofnature, which worketh in themboth afore and after their wits are accomplifhed, grieuous confliets betweene their wil and their confcience, terrors, feares, and many troubles -ofmind:howinfinitly more happieThal thepoorell Saint of Gods be in the kingdom ofheauen, when in al thingswhich they can delre theyThal :have their wil, without any croffe or oppofition ; and it being whollyconformable to the wil ofGod,and to the ruse ofholy reafon, Thal allo hauein ac- complifhing ofit,ioy, peace and ful contentment, not only becaufe k isdone, but alto becaufeGod andtheir owne rea- fon and confcience approue the doingofit? 4Sea,4. Thelike altomay be laidofour memories,for whereas in Mat ONmemo_ this life we cannot imprint in them anygood thing,but pre- ries,and ronfa- fently it wil;beblotted out, nor blot out any ill thing once encesfhali bane written, but that our corruption like aquaform. wil doout liturature r emno im- the andílaine,andfo renueit,that it wil againe be- c7ton or come .oi7uerruptio».