- ----' Oftheioyerofheaaen, 847 come legible; in the ioyes ofheauenwe(halbe freed from this corruption; andour memories Thal become faire tables of fuch an holy making, that they wil eafily receiue the wri.; ting and impreffion of Godswil, imprinted in themby the finger ofhisSpirit, neuer againe to beblotted out;and con trariwifewil not by any poffablemeanes,receiue the printor impreffion ofany euil,but whether it be finor pun ifhment it Thal vtterly be done away and forgotten,£o farre forth as the remembrance thereofwould bring vnto vs anyvexation or difcomfort : for howfoeuer we fhal forget bothour fins and miferies,as theyhaue beendifhonorable toGod, and caufes vnto vsofgriefeand forrow; yet Thal we fo farforth remem ber them,as theymay make vs inal loue and thankfuines to laud and magnifie our gracious God, for his merciful and tneruailous deliverance ofvs from all theft euils and there- fore (as it is diflinguifhed) we fhal bemindfulof our paffedv culls in rcfpe& ofour rational knowledge, and facultieofcap;30 vnderfianding;butvtterly forgetfulofthem in refpe&ofour fenfe,feeling and experience: euenas we feethe skilful Phy fitionknowethal difeafesofthebodie inhis skil and theory; but inrefpe&ofhisowne (coreand experience, is ignorant ofal thofe,which heneuer fuffered. Finally, our confciences in the fruition oftheft heauenly ioyesThal be freed from al their corruptions,vnto which in this life they are fubie&; as from their impuritie,(iupiditie andfleepines;or their terrible accufations,horrors, andfeares; and being full of ioy and peace, in regard that al oura&ions andendeauours (halbe moftholy, righteous, andagreeable with the wil of God, . they(hal only obferue ourhearts, affeébons, and ac`lions, (notas in this life topreuent their diforder, anddigreffions, thatthey may meal and reclaitne them) but that taking no- ticeoftheirperfeé}conform itiewith thewil ofGod,and ap prouing them, they may thereby continually renue our ioy and comfort, and minifler matter vntovs of prayfing and glorifyingGod,for preferuing vs in thispuritie and holiness O howmuch therefore will this adde to our heauenly ioyes, when weThal forgetal,whichbeing remembred might mo- del}and trouble vs; and retainat thofegood things inper_ fec`l.