Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

848 Ofthe ioyesofbeaten. feEtmemorie,the remembrance whereofmay bringvnto vs any ioy and contentment? how happie and bleffed fhal we be,when our confciencesThal leaueoffto accule and terrifie vs;-and be only exercifed in iuftifying vs, and in giuing ap- probation to al our alitions ? fu thefe there iisffrom fwhich they Thal be eliueed: 0ftheexcellent PP f ,,,sties and which beingvnderftood, we Thal not needto fpeake much qualitieswhere- ofthofe good things, and ofthe excellent parts and quali- with our 1-8"1". ties,wherevvith theyThal bebeautified and adorned, feeing (hall be beawt there is the fame reafon ofcontraries, and the one being fscdaadaáor- knowne, Both by direft oppofition thew the nature and xecL qualities ofthe other, Inaword therefore,as ourfoules Thal be freed from ignorance, fotheyfhal be endued with hea- uenlywifdome,whereby they fhal know God in thatperfe- éLion,that the creature iscapable of,thehigh mylierieofthe Trinitie,andof the vnionof Chriftshumanitie to thediuine ttature,and ofthe faithfulvnto Chrifi : and this knowledge thatnot then be darke,and as in a glaire, like our dimknow- ledge in this life, but cieareand perfpicuous, and as it were face to face, it fhal not thenbe inpart only, but whole and a.Cor.t3.9. perfe6t; for thenfhall we k,ow, ewers aewe are lnowne. In this ¡0.5t.u< lifewe lie as it were in adungeonofdarkneffe ; and al the comfortthatwe haue is,that the light ofGods truth,wherc- 'by the eyes ofour minds are illightned,'with Tomefmal and dimknowledgeofGod, fbinethvntovs, as thorow a little chinéeorhole: but when weattaine toheauenlyhappineffe, and enioy the glorious libertieofthe Fons ofGod, then Thal webe conipaffedabout with light, as with a garment, and our mindsfhal receiueperfe6tillumination, and fulnc feof knowledge.'Finally, we Thal not attaine vnto this diuine knowledge, as in this life,withpainesandexcefiiue labour, 'whereby we confume thebodietoenrich the foule; neither yetby fecondarie and inferiour meanes, as namely, thc hea- ling, reading, and meditation of the Word, and the vfe of .theSacraments,through which we fee afteral ourfludie and indaftriebut darkly,and as it werethorow Tomedimglalfe; but wethal haue itwithail cafe and facilitie by the imme- diate