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©frhe ioyesofheauen. 849 diate illuminationof Zods holy fpirit, whereby being in- lightened,we {hall fee all things cleerely, and withoutvaile or fhadow,feeingatthis day there flail benominifierie of manor angel(, but Godfhall beall in al. So all()our foules t.Cor.tq;a8. (hall be induedwith perfeéi holineffe, whereby we (hall be ivabled toperform. all good duties vnto God, thatfo wee may euerlatliugly gloritîe him; and with perfe&righteouf- nes,whereby with like perfedlionwee !hall performe all du. tiesoflone and iufüce,which we owe to oneanother, to our mutuallioy and vnfpeakable cotnfort.But becaufe this holi- neffeand righteoufneffebelong not to the foule alone, but vnco the whole man, I will referre them to their proper place. CHAP. V. Ofthcfjccid 1 happinefJèandfelkitieof our bodiesin the kingdooneofhearten. Nd this ( halbe thehappines ofourfoules. 4.Se1.I. Our bodies likewife (hall be freed from That wepail be all euill, and replenifhed with all good; freedfron, all and firfi they (hall haue all theirdefeéis bodilywaxts and wants fu lied andallim erfe6tionsasdgr :eraxut; PP P at hunger and . taken away. They (hall then bee freedzbir(!. from hunger and thirfl,andconfequently (hall haue no need ofmeate anddrinke. And this our Sauiourimpliet h, where he faith, that in the refurreflianweefhall be like theAngels God in heaven; and plainlyexpreffethit to his Apofile John, where defcribing the (late ofthe bleffed, he faith,they JballApoc.7.t6. hunger nomore,neither thirtany more.Towhich purpofe one faith,thathere we hungerand thirfi,andhaue need to befa- Auguf( tisfied :but though wee haue this want in our way,we fhall £ef.pafch.totn. in our countreyhaue fatietie. Thereafon whereof is cleere to.c.033. andmanifca; for feeing our bodies (hail be immortali and incorruptible, therefore nopanoftheir fubfiance can con- fume orwafie, and confequently they (hall need no refre(h- ingorreparation bymeateand drink.Againe,to need meate Iii and