85o Oftbeleyesofheauen. Auguá.de and drinke are infirmitiesofnature, which growing to ex- Symb.adCe- tremitiecaufe death ; but(as one faith) there !hall no infir- techum.lib.r mitie and corruption rife withvs; and by the fame reafon, cap./ 1. neither (hall weethen haue thofe things which ordinarily ferue for the fupplie ofthefe infirmities and imperfeelions. Onelywee thall then haue that breadoflife, which for our fakes carne downe from heaucn, and that fountaine ("H&c, ofwhich whofoeuer drinke !hall neuer thirfl, with whole pretence our foules (hall be fatisfied, according to that of Pfal.36.8. the Pfalmifl: They'Nil be fatisfied ? ith the fatnes ofthine hoofe, and thou /halt gime them drinke out of the rimer ofthy plealures ; for'ibith thee is the welloflife,and in thy lightJhall we fee light. Now ifany obie& that theScriptures make men- tion ofeating anddrinking in the kingdome ofheauen;and that our Saviour Chrift promifeth to appoint a kingdome ro I uke 22.29.30 hisDifciples, where theyfhould eateanddrinke at his table : the anfwere is, that thefe arebut borrowed (perches, whereby the holy Ghoft fitteth himfelfe to our capacitie, that hee might glue vs fome tafle of thefe heauenly ioycs in thefe earthly a6lions,which in their owne excellencie,are vnto vs vnconceivable. Euen as Wifedome is Paid to haue /gilled her Prou.9.2. oiéluals,drarrne out her wine, and prepared her table.Which bodilya&ions cannot agree to wifedomewhich is ofa fpi- rituall nature,but are onlyborrowed fpeeches whereby the excellencieand profit of Gods fpiritual graces,astheknow- ledgeofGod,a goodcontcience,and ley in the holy Ghofi are noted and tignified.And ifitbe furtheralleaged that the Angelsthcmfclues and our SauiourChrift after his refurre- &ion, are laid to haue eaten and drunken; we are to know that in them both, they were adìionsofpower,and not of any neceffitie; and our Sauiourdid notBate for hunger, but that hemight thew the truth ofhis humane nature, by thefe naturals actions ofeating and drinking; neither were thefe nreates and drinkes turned into nourifhment, or to the in- creating, or preferuing the fubflanceof his bodie,but were again diffolued into their firl+ principles and elements .Now ifanyepicure placing agreat part ofhishappineffe ineating and drinking,(hall thinke in this refpeé thatour euI ate (hail be