Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Of the loyetof hearten. 851 beworfe becaufewee fhall mot haue the pleafure ofmeare and drinke ; let himknow that our pleafure anddelight (hall be infinitlymore, in our participationofour fpirinull nou- rìlhment the bread andwater of life. And if bee (hall aske what imployment wee can haue, when as wee (hall haue no vfeofthefenaturali anions, it is all alike (as one faith) as ifPlutarch. the daughters ofDanaefhould be carefull what to doe, if q"c4uidnobà they had filled their leaking veffell. For hunger and thirf noneempre- are among thole punifhments whichare due vnto fin, from fpereezbibet,nb which whenweare deliuered,we are re(lored to a degree of eft Gaudii. bea- happineffe ; and thefemeares and drinker being taken at the forum,fedcon be(l,are the comforts good ofpilgrims, to them not the delights of the folatiomifero. blefl'ed; and howfoeuerit is g hhemwhen wee PCal.r44. want them,yet it is better not to want them, then to haue them. So wefhall not in this heauenlyhappine(fe (land in need 4.Sea.2. offlcepe,feeingwe (hall not be fpent orwearied bylabour; ofother world, nor (hall need to haue our fpirits refrefhed,feeingwee (hall 9'tnantsfiom lice by theal- fufficient fpirit ofGod,which can neuer neede h ourbo- an renouation. We (hall notthereneed h tick feeing we dies fliaübe Y P Y g freed. (hall enjoy perpetual! health, nor no more clog our (lo- macks,and emptieourpurfes, with thefe lothfome drugges, feeing after we haue tailedofthe tree oflife,we (hall bepri- uiledged andpreferued from all difeales. Wefhall not there want clothes, feeingGodwill give veto vs the a long white , Apoc.7.9. garments of immortalitie, that neuer can bee worneout; which(hall be fobeautifulland glorious, that (like the fun) we (hall be bell adorned, when we haue no other couering, but our owne refplendentand maie(licall brightnes. Wee (hall not in thefe ioyes need the ayre to coole our hcate and keepe vs from hi(ling; neither yet breathingand refpira- b tion,feeingwe (hall not liue any longer by the helpe of this animallfacultie,but (as the Apoflleteacheth vs) (hall be im- mediatly quickenedby b Gods holy fpirit,which alto giucth life toChrifl our head. We íha1l notthere need thefin, for c thegloryofGodf.;a(l rüiQhten that heamenly c,ty,awdthe lambo ` Apoc.zaç (hall be the light ofit. To this ur ofc allo the Pro het Efay and z a. s. faith:Thoxfhalt baneno morefrnetofbinebyday,nitherfhanEtà Iii 2 the