Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

Sy Ofthsioytlofhsaxax thebrightnefofthemomfhine woo her: for the LordJ7ioffhe thins euerlaflinglight, andthy God thy glory. ThyraneeJball nestergeedowne,neither fhail tby wovehe hid,far the Lordfhall bethine euerlafling light,andthedatesof thyfarrowJballbe en- ded. And becaufe thisfutineneuer fetteth, there fhall neuer be any night there; and confequently no needofanywatch Apoe.aa.5. to keepthe gates ofthat city,or ofthe helpeofcandle light, as the Apoflle fpeaketh. And yet though thegates bee flit o- dApoc.zt.a7. pen,novnclean d thing can enter into that holy city,it being . the nature ofchatland to put to flight al hurtful vermine,and thepo fonousbroodof the old ferpent. In aword, in this e fulneffeofioywefhall notwant any thing, for e God¡bailhe f G_n.17.t. vntovsellin all; and he who isf al fuficicntfhalalfobeourg and s 15. 1. exceedinggreat reibard. §.Seïi. 3. And as wee (hall haue all ourbodilywants fupplied with. ofthemanifold al maner ofgood,andour defe&sand imperfe&ions wholly from abohsfhed; fo aifo (hallour bodiesbee freed from all thole wbieb.our be. po(itiuc eáils, wherewith in this life much trou. diesfballbe bled andalihed; for there fhal be no more curfe,h becaufe heliae,ed, there (hail be nomore finne; andconfcquentiy therethai be Gal to. noplagues and punifhments,which are containedand corn prifed in the maledi&ion. There Thal bee nofaintne#fe, be- caufe notrauell; nor languifhing wearineffe,becaufewe alai enioy perpetual refl;thereThal be no feruitudeandbondage, . betau fe weThal al enioy theliberty ofthe ConsofGod; nor, mTp e.t.6. bale fübie&ion,fceing we.fhal alt reigneas kings,acknow- ledgingfealtie voto none butto the great monarch ofhea- neo and earth, whoalto will require no other tributeofvs, but ,praife and thankfgiuing foral his benefits. There our Apoc.7.16. bodies (ha:! not be parched with kheate,feeingwealalhaue a comfortable fhade and refrefhing veder the fhadow of Gods winos, and the tree oflife ; neitherThal theybeepin- ched with chilling cold, feeing the funofrighteoulneffe wil continually fhinevpon vs, and comfortably warmevs with the,beames of hisloue. TheyThal not therehaue anymou- ßrousfhapes,blemifhes,and deformities, but be reflored to perfe&beautie, feeingthefe arethe fruits and effe&s offin, which mull of necelfity ceafe, when their caufe ceafeth.. There.