V Ofthe ioyetofheaven. 853 There they fhall not be mole(ledwith wounds and skarres, nor worne out and confumed with fickneffes and difeafes; there fhal-beno loathfome leprolies, nor fpreading plagues, nor pining confumptions,nor raging feuers. There the head fhall be free from megrims, the hands from pallies, the feet from gouts, the eyes from dimneflle, the cares from deafe- ne(fe, the ioynts from lamene(fe, the bones fromaches, and the wholebody bothfrom defperate difeafes, and the final- left maladies. In a word, as the body fhall bee priuiledged from entertaining thefe harbingers of death, fo (hall they bee freed fromgluing anymorelodging to that al-killing tyrant; for thennot only the dingofdeath, but euen death r.Cor.r 5.5"4. it felfe (hal be taken away. 4.Seci. And thefe,withmany more,are the euils fromwhich our 4 bodies (hall be dehuered.The good things, and excellent Oftbegeod parts, which fhallbe communicated veto them,are diuers. úbeccommu. Asfirft, they ( halbe fpirituall bodies, as the Apoflle allo te- nicatedto owe flifieth lttrfowneanatural! body,andis ratfeda fptrituallbo- bodies ; ind dy.Thereis a narurallbodte,andthere is afpirituall body: As it jt'R(Pi+ituall tr lbritten, thefirfl manAdamwas madea liming foule, and the q°er. 14Adamalas madea quickeningfpirtt.&c. Wherebyweare t'Catiaor.44a4f not tovndedland that the fubflance ofourbodies (hall bee fpirituall, or that they (hall bec turned intofpirits; for wee (hall rife with the fame bodies, confifliug, in refpe&oftheir fubfiance, offlefh andbones,astheynow doe. Neitherdoth theApoftle'fay that weefhall become fpirits, but that wee (hall haue fpirituall bodies. Now it isone thing to beea fpi- rit,or fpirituall fubflance, andanother thing to hauea fpiri- tuall body ; for a fpirit hashneither flefhnor bones,but afpi- rituall body hashboth. Againe,it is vnnaturall and impofli- ble forabody tobeechangedinto a fpirit, feeing theyhaue not the fame matter ; and contrary alfo to the Scriptures, which teachvs, that man limit rife to inherit glory: now a perfcéman conefleth as well ofa body as ofa foule; and therefore heecannot beeall fpirit, but muff haue aswell a corporal( as a fpirituall fubflance. Furthermore, holy-Job profeffeth his afliirance, that he/houldfee qobit hitfle/h, and that lee theveryfame, andpratanother /bboutd f e him, andthat Iii3 his