S 54 Ofthe ;oyes o fheaven. his onneeyes Jhould behold him. Finally, fuch as our Saviour Chasbodywas,fuch alto (hall ours be; but heehad a true, materiall,and phyficall body,con(fling offle(h andblood, which might not onely bee feene, but alto handled ;; forfo Luk.s4.39. himfelfe faith;Beholdmy hands andmy feet,foritisimyfelfe; handlemeand fee,for afpirit harknot,fle(h, and bones, uyoufee mehaue. Neither is that obie&ionofany force, that we (hall be like the Angelsin heaven, and therefore fpirits;feeing Maass.;ó. thecon trade rather followeth;we (hail bee like them, and therefore not thefame. And not like them in all Things, but innot eating and drinking, marrying, andgiuing inmari- age,and fuels like. Whereas therefore the Apofllekith, that we (hall haue fpirituallbodies, and oppofeth them tonan i- rall and phyficall bodies, it is not to be vnderfkoodgeneral- ly;ofall natutallbodies,but offuch alone aswee now haue, whichae fubie&comortality and corruption. Neither isit his meaning, that they (hall bee fpirituall in regard oftheir fubf1ance,whichfhall be and the fameas now it is, but in diuersother rcfpe&s. As f nlI,becaufe they (hall bequit-. kt<ned:bythefpiritofGod,and be preferued and 'continued in their hues,by thevertueand vigourof this fpirit, which dwellingprimarily and above meafure in Chtifl our head, is fromhim communicated tovs whoare his members; and flrall nomore hue by their animali facultie,.nor need for the preferuationof;their'liues,meate, drinke, clothing,ileepe, phyficke and filch like helpes, which arealtogether necefb ry in this (lateofmortality.Inwhich refpe&s they (hal ceafe tobe naturall bodies,as they (Nall bee freed from thefe ani- mall faculties, ofnourifhing, entreatingand multiplyingby generation; for nomore (hall they liueby vertue ofmeate and drinke thrice conco&ed ; fr(+ in the flomacke, turning it,to chylus;then inthe miferaicke veines and liuer,conuer- tingit into blood ;and laflly in the feuerall parts,when it is turned into their fubilance, either for the augmentation or predferuationofthebody ; but(hall befpirituall and heauen- ly, l iui ngwithout all thefe helpes; by foie venue ofGods . ípirie, and that life which. they communicate from Chriff their head,andfo (hailis refpe&ofthis fpiritualquickening become