Oftheeve!ofheateen. 8 5:3*- become fpirituall,euen as thewaxofthe candle being kin- dled by the fire becommeth a flame, and like vino the fire whereby it is kindled. But yet it (hall remaine naturall, ask fiillretaineth his ownefubtiance, and the faculties of rea- fon, fenfe,and motion, whereby it (hall (sill bee guided and gouerned ; by venue ofthat power whichour finites (hall receiue from the fpirit ofGod. Againe, they may bee called after the refurreöiion, fpirituall, becaufe they (hall in all thingsbee fubie& to Gods fpirit,and bee by it wholly ruled andgouerned; for that which in this behalfe the foule is in this life to thebody, that in the life tocome (hall the fpirit of3odbe to both foule and body, obeying it inall things, not in part onely and imperfectly as in this world, but moti perfeéily,wholly,aed willingly, without the leafidiflike or reluaation..In which refpe&alfoitmaybee called fpiritu- all,as it dothattaine unto (piritual, angelicall, and moti ab- folute and free obedience. And with this agreeth the iudge- Au uli. de fidè ment of thatworthie ancient. When as (faithhe) we heare A fytnb de that our bodiesare to become fpirinull,weare not fo tovn- cap.s.tom4.. dertiand it, as thoughour body fhould bee changed intoa fpirituallfubfiance,:and fo become a fpirit; for neither our body now which is called animali is not changed into a foule,hutretaineth his ovine fubfiance. But that is fäid to be a fpirituall body, which is fo in all thingsfubie& to the fpirit ofGod, asbefitteth that heauenly habitation, allhu- mane fragility, and earthly infimtity, being changed and turned into heauenly purity, and immortality. Finally, our bodies (hall be fpirituall, in regardthat they'thall be indued andadornedwith fpirituall qualities; for to this end theA- pofiles difcourfewholly tendeth, not to (hew that they (hall hauetheir fubulauce fpirituall in the refurre&ion, but onely I.Cor,Il. their qualities ; thatwhereas now theyaremortali, corrup- tible, earrhly,and induedwith earthly quahties,as hemlines, flowneffc,faintneffe,weakeneffeand the reti ; they (hall then . becomeimmortall,incorruptible,heauenly,and induedwith heauenly and fpirituall qualities. Nowíhefefpirituall qualities are dicers.: as fir(i immorta- 4.Sea.5. lity ; for ourSauiour Chrififaith, theyjhafl die no more,for as 01fosieJpirita- I i i 4 much