$56 Oft%ie joysofbeauen. i$lqualities toruchat theMuttJhallbeeequalltintothe Angels, wedare the wherewith our fount; ofGod, &c. And the Apofde telleth vs, that ourmor- adorn(hall be tallmu1Tput on immortality. Sob the fame reafon they mud adorned i ar p y Y imrnortaatie, needs be incorruptible :for as he fpeaketh in the fame chap- andagilay. ter; our bodies arefotone in corruption, and railedin incorrnp- Luk.no.;6. Lion : and againe, our corruptible mull put onincorruption. r,Corrs.g3. unto this wee may adde their agility, and their quicke, vecf.,s. Y q nimble, and light motion ; for being glorified, they areper- fealy ruledby thefoule,and yceld vnto it ready feruice, not being now hindred by their might or fluggifhneffe,from theprefent performing ofanya&ion wherein it willimploy them : fo as they fhall beeable to afcend, as well as defcend; as wefee in the exampleofour Sauieur, afcendinginto hea- Al.n.9. uen in the fight of his Apofiles ; and to moue from place to place with incrediblefwiftneffe, not being at all hindred by Augufì.dere. their waight. For if( asone faith) Iead,which naturally fin- furcctZ.corpo keth to the bottome asfooneas itiscafi into theWater,may rum. Serm,ç, b the art ofthe workeman beemade in fucha forme, thin, !OIL10. SCUD. Y 47y hpllow,andlike aboate,that it wilfwimand flote aloft; Thal . wethinke that Godcannot giue that ability to ourbodie that the workeman to the lead? And if the water which is naturallyheauie, can bemadefo thinand fubtill, that it hang gethin the aire, and iscaried about ;with the wind; how much more mayaglorified body, quickened byGods fpi- rit, be freed from it dull heauineffe, and haue power to of cend,and tomoue which way the foule pleafeth to guideit? Againe;we feeby experience, thatthe heauierabodyis,the flower it naturally is, and vnfit for motion, and the lighter itis,.themore fwift and nimble,; andyet who feethnot, that amans bodywhich is leaneand weake, though it be light,. yetmouethflowly;and that his bodywhokin good liking, firong and vigorous, though it bee more heauie,isquicke and fwift in motion ? If therefore health can worke this great difference,and make that which is heauieto be canned byanother,light tobe caried by it felfe; cuco as the want tbereofmakeththat heauieto it Celle, which is light untoa- . nocher ; howmuchmore Thalthis be effedled by immortali- ty, and thequickeningvenueof Godspowerfullfpirit?But whether