Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.D76 C552 1611 v.2

r Oftbe iayesofheareee. 857 whether thismotion (hall be equal in fwiftneffe toour foule Spi. and thoughts,and whether our bodies (hall be able in an in rit.& anima fiant to pail`& front place to place,as force do iudge; or whe- lib.cap.óc. ther they (hall onciy moue with great and extraordinarieEruntgaippe f eeçi aílîn whither they wil, though it bee in great di °hla co:pornzt p s}) £ y animuagilia, flance,in avery (port time, wee cannot determine; howfòe-vtTel;erfpicua. uer I thinke this latter much more probable. Finally, our AuguiLde cog- bodies being freed from their earthly grofneffe, Thal bee °it.verævitæ. fubtil and of a much more fine and pure fubilance not Thom. Aquin;: bydiminution of their. quantitie, for in this refpeót it (hall Supplem. retaineal hisdimenfons, not byreafon ofany rarefaótion,as quæß.83, water is made fabtill,in the mills andclouds; for then ourarr.t. bodies could notbe felt,asour SaviourChrifts was after-his refurre&ion;but in refpe& of the complcate perfetionof it, initeffenèeand kind, which perfeótion it hath from the dominionofGodsfpiric dwelling in ir, andof the glorified foulewhichBoth informe it, vnto whichit is-fubie&;andby reafonofthisperfe&ion which it hath from them, is fit and able for the performing ofall a&ions and motionsof the foul&wherein it will imploy it; for otherwife it wouldHill be aburthen and hinderance to the fouleas it is inthis life. And in xefpe&ofthis fubtility,wher..eby it is fittedto be fub- ie&,andasitweretheready intirumentofthe foule, it can- not beehindred in it motion by the oppofttionofanyfolid , body, nor yet included,imprifoned, or violentlydetained in any place. Of which weehaue an example inour Saviour. Chrifis bodyafter his refurre&ion, which by reafonofthe fubtility thereofdid fuddenly appearevetohis Apolkles,and prefently againe difappeared, and alto did come atnong(tLOg' `3a them into the roome where they were, the doores being Phut; not by penetrating their fubfiance, which is againfi the natureofa body, confiftingof flels and bones; but by their inuifibleyeelding to glue paffage to this moil perfe& body, that it might herebybee imployed in filch a&ions as his holyfpirit,and mofi diuine foule thought fir. Finally; to this fubtiltiewemayalto referee that mo(i acute,quicke,and exquifite perception and comprehenlion ofthe fenfes,which the$loriftedbody fba1 haste, and the puritieoftheaffes%- onsa' ,